AWS data header TairC average air temperature in deg C taken at 2 m RH_% average relative humidity in % taken at 2 m VP_hPa water vapor pressure in hPa computed from average RH W_spd average wind speed in m/s taken at 10 m (except at temporary sites) W_vect magnitude of vector-averaged winds in m/s taken at 10 m Wdir direction angle from North of vector-averaged winds taken at 10 m WdirSD standard deviation of 10 m wind direction computed by algorithm BarohPa barometric pressure in hPa taken at 1.5 m (not present at all sites) Prcp_mm precipitation in mm Sensors added during May 1999 to Whitewater AWS. New Whitewater AWS Sensors IR IR surface temperature in deg C taken at 4 m Solar Down solar irradiation in W m-2 Solar Up short wave reflected from the surface in W m-2 Albedo ratio Solar Up/Solar Down SMperiod time period reflecting soil moisture content in sec SM root zone volumetric soil moisture in % For more sensor information contact David Cook For more dataflow information contact Timothy Martin EOT