The files in this directory are ASCII files that contain the updated NDVI values for NOAA 14 during CASES 99. The NDVI values are calculated using channel 1 and 2 albedo values that have been obtained using updated calibration coefficients based on the work of Rao and Chen. More information about the calibration can be found at The images that correspond to the ASCII files are 84 columns by 119 rows. The point (0,0) is in the upper left hand corner of the image. Further, the images have been automatically cloud masked by Smartrack 2.7 satellite data analysis software. Pixels that are clouds have an NDVI value of -99.9 in the ASCII files. The file names indicate the date and time of the satellite pass. For example, the file 99274a14.2045.asc is for the year 1999, day 274 (Oct 1), at 20:45. All of the files in this directory are of NOAA 14 images.