shot, hour, minute, second, msec, gate, azimuth, elevation, afe, losdist, x, y, height, vlos, snr, qual, xdist shot = shot number hour = hour of shot minute = minute of shot second = second of shot msec = millisec of shot gate = lidar gate number azimuth = scanner elevation angle (deg) elevation = scanner elevation angle (deg) afe = afe setting (Mhz) losdist = distance to gate along the line of sight (m) x = x position relative to trailer (x positive along 0 deg azimuth) y = y position relative to trailer (y positive toward back of trailer) height = height above ground (m) vlos = line of sight velocity (m/s) snr = 10*log(raw signal strength), NOT adjusted for noise qual = quality flag (0 for now, now quality checks) xdist = x position ignoring azimuth, I use this for plotting rhi's