File naming convention: For Joaquin GOES-East files: Joaquin-[YYYYMMDD]-[HHMM] where YYYYMMDD is the date with YYYY being the year (2015 here), MM the month, and DD the day of month. HHMM is the wind set time where HH is the UTC hour and MM the minutes. For Patrica GOES-East files: Patricia-Atl-[YYYYMMDD]-[HHMM] where YYYYMMDD is the date with YYYY being the year (2015 here), MM the month, and DD the day of month. HHMM is the wind set time where HH is the UTC hour and MM the minutes. For Patrica GOES-West files: Patricia-Pac-[YYYYMMDD]-[HHMM] where YYYYMMDD is the date with YYYY being the year (2015 here), MM the month, and DD the day of month. HHMM is the wind set time where HH is the UTC hour and MM the minutes. Each ASCII file contains 12 columns of information: 1. TYPE - Type of Wind IR - Imager Cloud Drift SWIR - Imager Cloud Drift, low level VIS - Imager Visible, low level WV - Imager water vapor band, upper level 2. SAT - Satellite - GOES-13 or GOES-15 for these cases 3. DAY - Day (YYYYMMDD) 4. HMS - Time of the wind set, HHMM 5. LAT - Latitude of wind vector + north - south 6. LON - Longitude of wind vector + west - east 7. PRE - Pressure height assignment for vector (hPa) 8. SPD - Speed of the vector (meters per second) 9. DIR - Direction of vector 10. RFF - CIMSS recursive filter quality control value 11. QI - EUMETSAT quality control value 12. EE - Expected error quality control value Any questions about these files may be sent to: