Notes on PILS1 Preliminary Data for WE-CAN Contact information: Amy Sullivan -, 970-491-5849 Department of Atmospheric Sciences Colorado State University 1371 Atmospheric Sciences Fort Collins, CO 80523 The WSOC and Abs365 measurement each have there own time stamp. Therefore, there are two ICARTT files for each flight. One is labelled PILS1-WSOC and the other PILS1-Abs365 to represent the two measurements. For the Abs365 measurement, the proper number of significant digits was not being saved to the file for RF01-RF03. This was corrected starting at RF04. This will be more noticeable at lower concentrations and is what is being observed in the Abs365 data for RF01 and RF03. Due to using a liquid system, there is a time delay in the PILS1 measurements. A quick attempt was made to correct for this in the preliminary data so it could be included in the merge. This was done using the CO data. The PILS1 data are being reported at ambient conditions and not STP. This means the data has not been corrected for temperature and pressure. This is indicated in the ICARTT file header. No limit of detection (LOD) has been included for either measurement. Therefore, this line in the ICARTT header was not included. Only missing data has been filled in and is indicated by -999. Amy Sullivan August 2018