<1994-2000 Barrow Atqasuk ITEX Plant v1 metadata.txt> This file contains meta-data for file <1994-2000 Barrow Atqasuk ITEX Plant v1.txt>. File <1994-2000 Barrow Atqasuk ITEX Plant v1.txt> contains data representing the periodic plant measures of all species within each plot in a text tab delimited format. The data presented are phenology (date of leaf bud burst, inflorescence emergence, flower bud, flower opening, flower withering, seed development, seed dispersal, and senescence), seasonal growth (length of leaf, and length of inflorescence), seasonal flowering (number of inflorescences in flower within a plot), occurrence of events (yes or no for leaf, inflorescence, bud, flower, and seed), and annual growth and reproductive allocation (number of leaves, diameter of rosette, number of branches, maximum leaf length, number of inflorescences, maximum inflorescence length, number of buds, number of flowers, and number of seeds) collected weekly or yearly for all plant species during the summers of 1994-2000 for 48 plots (24 experiment open-top chamber plots and 24 control plots) at four sites (Atqasuk Wet Meadow, Atqasuk Dry Heath, Barrow Wet Meadow, and Barrow Dry Heath). GENERAL INFORMATION PI/DATA CONTACT= Webber, Patrick J (MSU)/ Hollister, Robert D FUNDING SOURCE AWARD # = NSF OPP 9714103 DATA COVERAGE = START: 1994; STOP: 2000 UTC PLATFORM/SITE = Barrow, Alaska (71o19'N 156o37'W); Atqasuk, Alaska(71o29'N 157o25'W) INSTRUMENT = Point Frame with 100 points DATA VERSION = 1.0 (12 December 2001), PRELIMINARY [very likely to contain errors] CONTACT INFORMATION Robert D. Hollister 100 North Kedzie Hall Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824-1031 Voice: 517 432-2399 Fax: 517 432-2150 Email: holliste@msu.edu DATA COLLECTION Plant development was followed throughout the entire summer. Plant measures were determined based on species morphology and ease of collection. Within each plot three permanently marked individuals were monitored for each species if possible. Due to the low percentage of flowering, data on reproductive characters required the measurement of non-tagged plants. Therefore 4 different data types were collected; they are: 1) 1-3 permanently marked individual plants of each species within a plot (strType=IN); 2) total plot measures of a species, such as the number of flowers per plot or the first occurrence of a phenophase (strType=TP); 3) the 1-3 largest reproductive individual plants of a species within a plot (strType=LR); and 4) the 1-3 largest vegetative individual plants of a species within a plot (strType=LV). For species that do not form distinct individuals such as graminoids unit areas are established to monitor change over years. The size of unit areas of Carex aquatilis subspecies stans in the Barrow Wet Meadow site and all the species in the Atqasuk Wet Meadow site is 10 by 10 cm. All other unit areas are 5 by 5 cm in size. A description of each data group and each trait is presented below. A listing of each species is presented following the trait descriptions. Occurrence data strData=TALL This data type identifies whether a plant reached a phenological stage, or if it was damaged. strTrait Description of the trait THeal Healthy=1,Not Healthy=0 TTerm Dead=1,Alive=0 TEatn Eaten=1,Not Eaten=0 TLeaf Leaf Emerged=1,Leaf Never Emerged=0 TInfl Inflorescence Emerged=1,Inflorescence Never Emerged=0 TBuds Buds Emerged=1,Buds Never Emerged=0 TFlow Flowers Emerged=1,Flowers Never Emerged=0 TSeed Seeds Emerged=1,Seeds Never Emerged=0 Phenology data strData=PHEN This data type identifies when a plant reached a specified phenologic stage. The data presented are Julian days. All unhealthy individuals were removed from the data set. strTrait Description of the trait JulLe Julian date of the first visible Leaf JulIn Julian date of the first visible Inflorescence JulBu Julian date of the first visible Bud JulSt Julian date of the first visible Stigma JulFl Julian date of the first visible Flower Open JulFW Julian date of the first visible Flower Withered JulSV Julian date of the first visible Seed or Seed Body JulSD Julian date of the first visible Seed Dispersal JulLW Julian date of the first visible Leaf Senescence Seasonal Growth data strData=GROW This data type characterizes the seasonal growth of the plants throughout the season. The data presented are weekly length of inflorescence and length of leaf. strTrait Description of the trait LeLnW01 Length of leaf (cm) in week 1 (6/1-7) LeLnW02 Length of leaf (cm) in week 2 (6/8-14) LeLnW03 Length of leaf (cm) in week 3 (6/15-21) LeLnW04 Length of leaf (cm) in week 4 (6/22-28) LeLnW05 Length of leaf (cm) in week 5 (6/29-7/5) LeLnW06 Length of leaf (cm) in week 6 (7/6-12) LeLnW07 Length of leaf (cm) in week 7 (7/13-19) LeLnW08 Length of leaf (cm) in week 8 (7/20-26) LeLnW09 Length of leaf (cm) in week 9 (7/27-8/2) LeLnW10 Length of leaf (cm) in week 10 (8/3-9) InLnW02 Length of inflorescence (cm) in week 2 (6/8-14) InLnW03 Length of inflorescence (cm) in week 3 (6/15-21) InLnW04 Length of inflorescence (cm) in week 4 (6/22-28) InLnW05 Length of inflorescence (cm) in week 5 (6/29-7/5) InLnW06 Length of inflorescence (cm) in week 6 (7/6-12) InLnW07 Length of inflorescence (cm) in week 7 (7/13-19) InLnW08 Length of inflorescence (cm) in week 8 (7/20-26) InLnW09 Length of inflorescence (cm) in week 9 (7/27-8/2) InLnW10 Length of inflorescence (cm) in week 10 (8/3-9) Seasonal Flowering data strData=INFL This data type represents the number of inflorescences in flower with a plot throughout the season. strTrait Description of the trait InflW01 Number of flowering inflorescences in week 1 (6/1-7) InflW02 Number of flowering inflorescences in week 2 (6/8-14) InflW03 Number of flowering inflorescences in week 3 (6/15-21) InflW04 Number of flowering inflorescences in week 4 (6/22-28) InflW05 Number of flowering inflorescences in week 5 (6/29-7/5) InflW06 Number of flowering inflorescences in week 6 (7/6-12) InflW07 Number of flowering inflorescences in week 7 (7/13-19) InflW08 Number of flowering inflorescences in week 8 (7/20-26) InflW09 Number of flowering inflorescences in week 9 (7/27-8/2) InflW10 Number of flowering inflorescences in week 10 (8/3-9) Annual Growth and Reproductive Allocation data strData=NTOT This data type characterizes the growth and reproduction allocation during a given year. All the variables that represent change were calculated by subtracting the value of previous year from the current year. For example, the trait NchDiLn, change in the diameter of the rosette, was calculated by subtracting the diameter of the rosette of the current year by the diameter recorded during the previous year in order to represent change. strTrait Description of the trait NLeLn Length of the longest leaf produced this year (cm). NLeId Number of leaves per individual. NChDiLn Change in the diameter of the rosette (cm). NChGrLeU Change in the number of leaves in the unit area. NChGrTe Change in the number of terminal ends (branches) in the unit area. NChIndv Change in the number of individuals in the unit area. NInLn Length of the longest inflorescence (cm). NInId Number of inflorescences per individuals in the unit area. NBuIn Number of buds per inflorescence. NFlIn Number of flowers per inflorescence. NSeIn Number of seeds or capsules per inflorescence. NSpIn Number of spikelets per inflorescence. NInfl Number of inflorescences in the plot. NBuds Number of buds in the plot. NFlow Number of flowers in the plot. NSeed Number of seeds or capsules in the plot. NEatn Number of eaten individuals in the plot. strGSpp Species Name AALP Alopecurus alpinus ABOR Artemisia borealis AFRI Antennaria friesiana AFUL Arctophila fulva ALAT Arctagrostis latifolia BNAN Betula nana CALX Calamagrostis sp. CAQU Carex aquatilis CBEE Cerastium beeringianum CBIG Carex bigelowii CHOL Calamagrostis holmii CHRT Chrysosplenium tetrandrum COFF Cochlearia officinalis CPRA Cardamine pratensis CRAR Carex rariflora CROT Carex rotundata CSTA Carex aquatilis/stans CSUB Carex subspathacea CTET Cassiope tetragona DFIS Dupontia fisheri DLAC Draba lactea DLAP Diapensia lapponica DMIC Draba micropetala DPSI Dupontia fisheri/psilosantha EANG Eriophorum angustifolium ERUS Eriophorum russeolum ESCH Eriophorum scheuchzeri ETRI Eriophorum angustifolium/triste FBRA Festuca brachyphylla HALP Hierochloe alpina HPAU Hierochloe pauciflora JBIG Juncus biglumis LARC Luzula arctica LCON Luzula confusa LPAL Ledum palustre LWAH Luzula wahlenbergii MAPE Melandrium apetalum MOBT Minuartia obtusiloba MUSH Fungi ODIG Oxyria digyna PARC Poa arctica PBIS Polygonum bistorta PEDL Pedicularis lapponica PFRI Petasites frigidus PHUL Papaver hultenii PHYP Potentilla hyparctica PKAN Pedicularis kanei PLAP Papaver lapponicum PMAL Poa malacantha POAV Poa arctica PSUD Pedicularis sudetica PVIV Polygonum viviparum RNIV Ranunculus nivalis RPYG Ranunculus pygmaeus SATR Senecio atropurpureus SCAE Saxifraga caespitosa SCER Saxifraga cernua SFLA Saxifraga flagellaris SFOL Saxifraga foliolosa SHIE Saxifraga hieracifolia SHIR Saxifraga hirculus SHUM Stellaria humifusa SLAE Stellaria laeta SNIV Saxifraga nivalis SPHL Salix phlebophylla SPLR Salix polaris SPUL Salix pulchra SPUN Saxifraga punctata SROT Salix rotundifolia TSPI Trisetum spicatum VVIT Vaccinium vitis-idaea META-DATA FORMAT The following prefixes have been used to designate data type. str - indicates string (text) data ysn - indicates yes or no data dtm - indicates date time data num - indicates numeric data All string data within a column contain the same number of characters. The meaning of each character is defined at each position by stating the length of the identifier with a numeric and placing all the data codes used within parentheses directly after the numeric. For example: strYear - year of recording 4(1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000) The above example describes a column that represents the year the data was recorded, it is string data that is always four characters in length and the only data codes used are 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000. COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS for <1994-2000 Barrow Atqasuk ITEX Plant v1.txt> strUTC - universal time constant (UTC) year 4(1994-2000) strIdLo - the location of the recording site 1(B=Barrow Alaska,A=Atqasuk Alaska) community 1(D=Dry Heath Tundra,W=Wet Meadow Tundra) treatment 1(C=Control,E=Open-Top Chamber) plot 2(01-24) strSitCom - the site and community site 1(B=Barrow Alaska,A=Atqasuk Alaska) community 1(D=Dry Heath Tundra,W=Wet Meadow Tundra) strTrea - treatment 1(C=Control,E=Open-Top Chamber) strIdPl - the identification of the plant recorded genus(1) species(3) (See Listing Above) sex 1(B=Bisexual,M=Male,F=Female,X=Unknown) type 2(IN=Marked Individual,TP=Total Plot, LR=Largest Reproductive Individual, LV=Largest Vegetative Individual) individual 1(0=whole plot,1-9 Marked Individual or Size) strGSpp - genus(1) species(3) (See Listing Above) strSex - sex 1(B=Bisexual,M=Male,F=Female,X=Unknown) strType - type 2(IN=Marked Individual,TP=Total Plot, LR=Largest Reproductive Individual, LV=Largest Vegetative Individual) strData - data group 4(GROW=Seasonal Growth, INFL=Seasonal Flowering,NTOT=Annual Growth and Reproductive Allocation,PHEN=Phenology,TALL=Occurrence) strTrait - trait type 5-8(See Listing Above) strStat - state 1(R=Reproductive,V=Vegetative) numResponse - dependent on the trait displayed NOTE -999.9 - indicates missing data 0 - may indicate that no structure appeared