Aboveground Growth 2001 PI: Jeff Welker Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory Natural and Environmental Science Building Fort Collins, CO 80523 Office Phone: (970) 491-1796 E-Mail: jwelker@nrel.colostate.edu co-PI: Jace Fahnestock Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory Natural and Environmental Science Building Fort Collins, CO 80523 Office Phone: (970) 491-5262 E-Mail: jace@nrel.colostate.edu Contact: Paddy Sullivan Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory Natural and Environmental Science Building Fort Collins, CO 80523 Office Phone: (970) 491-5630 E-Mail: paddy@nrel.colostate.edu Funding Source NSF (OPP-019643) Overview Above-ground growth data were collected from June 5-August 13, 2001 for Betula nana and Eriophorum vaginatum at the Toolik Lake LTER (68º 38'N, 149º 43'W) ITEX moist tussock snowfence site. Measurements were taken at a mean interval of 7.58 days in plots treated with elevated winter snow (7th year of treatment - ~3m drift), warming (1st year of treatment - ITEX open-top chambers) and fertilization (1st year of treatment - 2 applications: June 5 and July 9, 2001, each @ 15g N m-2). Instrument Description Successive measurements of the same leaf/woody stem were taken with a metric ruler and growth was identified as the difference between the current measure and that of the previous sampling date. Betula nana woody stems were marked with white-out to distinguish between 2000 and 2001 growth. Data Collection and Processing Measurements were taken from 5 E. vaginatum new leaves, 5 E. vaginatum over-wintering leaves and 5 B. nana woody stems per plot. 7 plots were treated with elevated snow, 8 plots were treated with N fertilizer, 6 plots were warmed and 8 plots served as controls. All of the measurements were taken by the same individual and measurements were taken blind (i.e., no knowledge of the leaf/stem length on the previous sampling date). Daily growth rates of each species/cohort were calculated for each sampling interval. Data Format Missing data: "." Negative values for interval growth were changed to "0" Column Headers Julian Date Plot Replication E_O Daily (Overwintered E. vaginatum leaf interval growth/days in interval) E_N Daily (New E. vaginatum leaf interval growth/days in interval) B Daily (B. nana woody stem interval growth/days in interval) Data Remarks Taking these above-ground measurements blind (i.e., no knowledge of the leaf/stem length on the previous sampling date) reduced potential subjectivity, but increased the occurrence of intervals with negative growth and increased the variance in our measurements. There are instances in the data sets where the wrong leave or stem was measured for one or more sampling dates. These measurements are considered missing until successive samples of the same leaf/stem are resumed.