DWD's Icing Forecast dataset (ADWICE) Author(s): Frank Kalinka Frank.Kalinka@dwd.de Forecast Application Development, Deutscher Wetterdienst Research and Development Frankfurter Straße 135 D-63067 Offenbach Tel.: +49-69-8062-2449 https://www.dwd.de 1.0 Data Set Overview: The Advanced Diagnosis and Warning System for aircraft ICing Environments (ADWICE) has been developed since 1998 in collaboration between the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Deutscher Wetterdienst (German Weather Service, DWD) and the Institute of Meteorology and Climatology of the Leibniz Universität Hannover (IMuK). ADWICE identifies atmospheric regions containing supercooled liquid water where aircraft icing can occur. Running operationally at DWD since 2004, ADWICE is used at the German Advisory Centres for Aviation (Luftfahrtberatungszentrale) supporting pilots in route planning by warnings of hazardous in-flight icing conditions. Based on output data of the operational numerical weather prediction model ICON (Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic)it creates a three-dimensional icing product containing information about the expectable icing scenario and its associated icing intensity. 2.0 Instrument Description: It covers: - Hourly icing intensity and scenario forecasts up to +24h, updated 4 times a day (with 00 / 06 / 12 / 18 UTC model runs). On request, forecast range could be extended up to +48h (hourly) and 6-hourly afterwards up to +78h - timerange: 26th January 2019 00h UTC run +0h - 10th March 2019, 18 UTC run +48h forecast - global scale on regtangular lat/lon grid with 0.25 x 0.25 degrees horizontal resolution (basen on ICON global model). 0°W to 360°E - vertical: 32 pressure levels in between 1000hPa and 225 hPa (1000, 975, 950, ...(25 hPa steps), 650, 620, 600, 570, 500, 540, 500, 485, 475, 450, 430, 420, 400, 350, 275, 250, 225 hPa) - additionally a "composit" that includes the vertical maximum, upper and lower limit of maximum intensity/scenario, upper and lower limit of absolute intensity/scenario and an indication, whether icing is vertically continuous or not (or if there are any icing-free layers in between). - for research cases (not operational): icing potential index between 0...1. A more detailed description and verification study can be found here (NOTE: the driving NWV model has recently changed from COSMO-EU to ICON): DOI: 10.1127/metz/2017/0756 3.0 Data Collection and Processing: none 4.0 Data Format: - WMO GRIB2 format - daily tar.gz in name convention: "ADWICE_yyyymmdd.tar.gz" - filename convention (unzipped and -tared): ********** grb2_ID_pip_ICON_TYPE_LAYER_YYYYMMDDRR_HH_ueg ********** "grb2": always grb2 "ID": 181: prognostic icing degree or index on composit 182: prognostic icing scenario on composit 191: prognostic icing degree or index on pressure-levels 192: prognostic icing scenario on pressure-levels "pip": prognostic icing product (use always "pip") "ICON": always "ICON" (indicates ICON NWV-model as driving model) "TYPE": use "deg" for icing degree, "sce" for the icing scenario or "idx" for icing potential (not operational!) "LAYER": use "FL" for flight level or "c" for composit "yyyy": year (ie "2019") "mm": month (ie "01" for January) "dd": day (ie "30" for 30th) "rr": model-run (00, 06, 12, 18 UTC) "hh": forecast hour from model run on ("00"..."24"). I.e. if you want the forecast for 11 p.m. of 30. Jan 2019 from model run of 18 UTC use: *2019013018_05_ueg Data information listed by GRIB2 short names: For Icing degree on pressure levels: - PID_CODE: Prognostic icing degree, 1=light,2=moderate,3=severe For Icing degree on composit: - PIDC_BASE_HFT: icing degree composit: icing base (hft) - PIDC_MAX_BASE_HFT: icing degree composit: icing max base (hft) - PIDC_MAX_TOP_HFT: icing degree composit: icing max top (hft) - PIDC_TOP_HFT: icing degree composit: icing max top (hft) - PIDC_VERT_CODE: icing vertical code;entire atmosphere (1=continuous, 2=discontinuous) - PIDC_MAX_CODE: icing degree composit: icing max code (1=light,2=moderate,3=severe) For Icing scenario on pressure levels: - PIS_CODE: Prognostic icing scenario, (1=general,2=convective,3=stratiform,4=freezing) For Icing scenario on composit: - PISC_BASE_HFT: icing scenario composit: icing base (hft) - PISC_SIG_BASE_HFT: icing scenario composit: icing significant base (hft) - PISC_SIG_TOP_HFT: icing scenario composit: icing significant top (hft) - PISC_TOP_HFT: icing scenario composit: icing top (hft) - PISC_VERT_CODE: icing vertical code;entire atmosphere (1=continuous, 2=discontinuous) - PISC_SIG_CODE: Icing Significant Code (1=general,2=convective,3=stratiform,4=freezing) 5.0 Data Remarks: none 6.0 References: ADWICE: Advanced Diagnosis and Warning System for Aircraft Icing Environments; Tafferner et al., 2003: https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/full/10.1175/1520-0434%282003%29018%3C0184%3AAADAWS%3E2.0.CO%3B2 The In-flight icing warning system ADWICE for European airspace – Current structure, recent improvements and verification results, Kalinka et al., 2017: https://dx.doi.org/10.1127/metz/2017/0756