Dataset Title - UK Met Office Satellite Icing Products (Experimental) Dataset Authors - Lead : Pete Francis ( Corresponding : Katie Bennett ( Time of Interest - 20190120T0000Z - 20190309T1200Z Area of Interest - 35N to 47N, 100.9W to 79.1W Data Frequency - Every 30mins where data available Data Spatial Type - PNG image of satellite data General Dataset Description - Two experimental satellite products are included in this dataset. The images are equi-rectangular projections, 800 pixels south to north, 900 pixels west to east LRRK21: Aircraft icing potential This daytime-only product displays the icing potential, which indicates some measure of both icing probability and icing intensity. Pixels classified as cloud-free, as cloudy with Cloud Top Temperature (CTT) > -2 Celsius, or as ice clouds with cloud optical thickness < 5.5 are not considered as icing potential candidates. Ice clouds with optical thickness > 5.5 are considered as indeterminate pixels, because the nature of any clouds below the ice cloud cannot be reliably discerned at the present time. In addition, liquid water cloud pixels with CTT < -30 Celsius are also classed as being indeterminate. The icing potential for the remaining pixels is classified based on the retrieved cloud optical thickness and effective radius, and plotted as described in the colour key. No data category pixels are where the cloud mask indicates the presence of cloud but a valid retrieval of optical thickness / effective radius was not possible. LRRK41: Cloud top height (CTH) of likely aircraft icing This image type complements the Aircraft Icing Diagnostics product, by providing the estimated Cloud Top Height of areas that are discerned to exhibit a risk of icing. Areas where the risk is approximately zero are denoted as a solid block of dark grey. Areas characterised by ice clouds, where the risk of icing at levels below cannot be determined, are shown using the 10.8 micron channel Brightness Temperature. IMPORTANT - Please note there is an issue with the LRRK41 product! When the icing potential (in the LRRK21 product) is equal to “High prob severe”, then unfortunately a valid cloud-top height is NOT plotted on the corresponding LRRK41 image. Upon request small selections of these data can be reproccessed with this issue fixed should they be required for publication. Please contact authors for further details. File Names - satellite_icing_products.tar.gz Inside tarred and zipped file are PNG images formatted LRRK{XX}_YYYYmmddHHMM.png The following fields are included; LRRK21 : Aircraft icing potential LRRK41 : Cloud top height (CTH) of likely aircraft icing Data restrictions - No additional restrictions required Digital Object Identifier (DOI) - Yes, please generate (N.B. - products are experimental)