Source: D:\BAIBAKOV\Code\Ensemble v.1.2 - Apr 2019\output\20200917\ Format: 64bit Global Attributes: Description = 'AECL lidar dataset' Project = 'ICICLE 2019' FlightDate = '2019/01/18' TimeCoverageStart = '18-Jan-2019 19:00:00' TimeCoverageEnd = '18-Jan-2019 19:59:58' TimeResolution = '01s' VerticalResolution = '1.5m' PointingDirection = 'zenith' Aircraft = 'NRC Convair-580' InstrumentOwner = 'NRC (zenith), ECCC (nadir)' DataSystems = 'AECL' ProjectLocation = 'Rockford, IL, USA' NRCProjectPI = 'Dr. Mengistu Wolde' NRCInvestigator = 'Konstantin Baibakov' contact = ' /' Address = 'Flight Research Laboratory, NRC, Bldg. U61, 1925 Research Prvt, ON K1V 1J8' DateProcessed = '17-Sep-2020 20:00:28' Dimensions: range = 4576 time = 3599 Variables: time Size: 3599x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: longName = 'Seconds since midnight (UTC)' units = 's' comments = '' data_source = 'AECL DAS' range Size: 4576x1 Dimensions: range Datatype: double Attributes: longName = 'Range bins above ground' units = 'km' comments = '' CoPolHi Size: 4576x3599 Dimensions: range,time Datatype: double Attributes: longName = 'Co-Polarized High Gain' units = 'Uncalibrated power (DB)' comments = '' depol_ratio_Hi Size: 4576x3599 Dimensions: range,time Datatype: double Attributes: longName = 'Depolarization ratio CrossPol/CoPol (uncalibrated)' units = 'Unitless' comments = '' LAT_c_kvh Size: 3599x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: FillValue = 'NaN' units = 'degrees North' long_name = 'KVH1750 IMU Latitude' valid_range = '-90, 90' status = 'Post-Processed with GrafNav and Kalman Filtering' sensor_location = 'cabin' category = 'Position' data_quality = 'Good' data_source = 'FRL DAS' LON_c_kvh Size: 3599x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: FillValue = 'NaN' units = 'degrees East' long_name = 'KVH1750 IMU Longitude' valid_range = '-180, 180' status = 'Post-Processed with GrafNav and Kalman Filtering' sensor_location = 'cabin' category = 'Position' data_quality = 'Good' data_source = 'FRL DAS' GALT_c_kvh Size: 3599x1 Dimensions: time Datatype: double Attributes: FillValue = NaN units = 'meters' long_name = 'KVH1750 IMU Altitude' valid_range = '0, 7500' status = 'Post-Processed with GrafNav and Kalman Filtering' sensor_location = 'cabin' category = 'Position' data_quality = 'Good' data_source = 'FRL DAS' >>