---------------------------- Dataset Title: ---------------------------- Moored ADCP observations from the Beaufort shelf-edge mooring array (SBI-Phase II) --------------- Dataset Authors --------------- Robert S. Pickart, Paula S. Fratantoni, Daniel J. Torres Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution -------------- Contact Person -------------- Robert S. Pickart MS #21 WHOI, Woods Hole, MA 02543 rpickart@whoi.edu (ph) 508-289-2858, (fax) 508-457-2181 --------- Funded by --------- ONR grant N00014-02-1-0317 ----------------------------------------- 2003-04 ADCP deployment dates and positions ----------------------------------------- start time end time latitude longitude bs1 10/05/2003 04:00:00 09/12/2004 17:00:00 71 18.45 N 152 7.74 W bs2 10/06/2003 01:00:00 09/11/2004 13:00:00 71 21.14 N 152 5.92 W bs3 10/05/2003 10:00:00 09/11/2004 07:00:00 71 23.69 N 152 2.81 W bs4 10/04/2003 12:00:00 09/12/2004 20:00:00 71 26.18 N 152 0.23 W bs5 10/03/2003 11:00:00 09/12/2004 18:00:00 71 29.06 N 151 58.52 W bs6 10/03/2003 10:00:00 09/12/2004 19:00:00 71 31.91 N 151 55.86 W ---------------- Data File Format ---------------- Each matlab-formated file (sbi04_bsX_2004f.mat)) contains the moored ADCP data for station X for deployment ending in year 2004. The ADCP data has been edited for outliers using error velocity and percent good threshold criteria. Bad data points have been replaced with NaN values. ADCP compass has been corrected for magnetic variation. Each station contains the structures variables which are described below: settings = sn: 2127 mooringID: 'bs1' cruiseID: 'sbi04' time_start: [2003 10 5 4 0 0] time_end: [2004 9 12 17 0 0] position: [71 18.4500 -152 -7.7400] bins: 15 pings_per_ensemble: 60 bin_size: 5 blank: 1.7600 bin1_dist: 7.0400 transmit_pulse_length: 5.0500 pgcut: 40 : percent good cutoff criteria evcut: 0.0400 : error velocity cutoff criteria velocity = u: East component of velocity (cm/s) v: North component of velocity (cm/s) time: [year month day hour min sec] sensor = w: Vertical velocity (cm/s) e: Error velocity (cm/s) depth: Corrected depth for each bin (m) dz: Distance from transducer to center of each bin (m) days: Year Day (continuous through year 2 of deployment) julian: Julian Day (from Jan 1, 0000) pitch: Tilt component (+ Beam 3 higher than Beam 4) roll: Tilt component (+ Beam 2 higher than Beam 1) heading: ADCP Heading (Beam 3) temp: From Microcat SBE37 (deg C) salt: From Microcat SBE37 (psu) soundV: Sound Velocity (m/s) current: Transmit Current pressure: From Microcat SBE37 (dB) datenumT: Matlab datenum tr_depth: Transducer depth (m) conductivity: From Microcat SBE37 beam_prop = echo1: Beam 1 Echo Intensity echo2: Beam 2 Echo Intensity echo3: Beam 3 Echo Intensity echo4: Beam 4 Echo Intensity corr1: Beam 1 Correlation Magnitude corr2: Beam 2 Correlation Magnitude corr3: Beam 3 Correlation Magnitude corr4: Beam 4 Correlation Magnitude pg1: 3 Beam Transformations pg2: Transformations Rejected pg3: More than one beam bad in bin pg4: 4 Beam Transformations bottom_track = bt_range: BT range for each beam bt_vel: BT velocity for each beam bt_corr: BT correlation for each beam bt_pg: BT percent good pings ** Last Updated 2009/07/07, DT, WHOI **