DATA SET DOCUMENTATION FOR ACE-ASIA TOTAL GASEOUS MERCURY (TGM) DATA SET TITLE: ACE-Asia Total Gaseous Mercury (Research Flights 1-16) AUTHOR(S): Hans Friedli (NCAR) NCAR/ASP 1850 Table Mesa Dr. PO Box 3000 Boulder, CO. 80303 (303)497-1395 (303)497-1646 FAX DATA SET OVERVIEW: Data Coverage: Research Flights 1 - 16 (data collected between 03/30/2001 and 04/30/2001) Platform: C130 Location: Mobile (LAT/LON/ALT orientation provided in data set) INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION: The Tekran instrument is based on collecting mercury from sample air by amalgamation on two gold cartridges (designated A and B) and thermally desorbing elemental mercury from them and assaying it by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (CVAFS). The output is designated as total gaseous mercury (TGM), which includes elemental mercury (EM) and the fraction of reactive gaseous mercury (RGM), which is not scavenged on inlet surfaces. Since RGM is small in most (Slemr, see His 3) but not all (Lindberg arctic) cases and total particulate mercury (TPM) is removed by filters, TGM essentially represents EM. The response of the CVAFS detector is affected by pressure, i.e. flight altitude in unpressurized aircraft or cabin pressure in controlled cabin pressure flights. Ebinghaus and Slemr (2000) have demonstrated that at ambient pressures above 500 mb the Tekran instrument is capable of collecting EM quantitatively but that the response of the CVAFS detector must be corrected for pressure differences. The effect of poisons present in polluted air is more complex. Poisons block mercury adsorption sites so that not all mercury is adsorbed on the cartridges resulting in a lower detector response and a need for frequent recalibration. Since most poisoning is reversible, making successive measurements in areas of different degrees of pollution will change the instantaneous response thus making quantitation less accurate. If poisoning is as severe as observed in some of the ACE-ASIA flights, regeneration by oxidative treatment of the cartridges and frequent manual calibration between flights and before and after regenerations is required. DATA COLLECTION/PROCESSING AND REMARKS: Air samples were collected and discharged in ¼” Teflon tubing through backward facing inlets and outlets and aspirated continuously by the pump contained in the Tekran analyzer. The inlets were located in the free airstream 25 cm outside the skin at the bottom center of the C-130 aircraft aft of the wheel wells. Particulates in the sample air were removed by a 50 mm 5 um Teflon filter in a Teflon housing located about 60 cm from the inlet point and by a 47 mm 0.2 um Teflon filter installed at the back of theTekran analyzer. The distance between inlet and Tekran was 3.5 m. Ultrahigh purity Argon (Scott Specialty Gases) and zero air (Scott Specialty Gases) for the Tekran operation were provided from gas cylinders; zero air was additionally purified by a Resisorb canister (Tekran Inc.) containing activated carbon. The Tekran instrument was operated on 300 s adsorption/desorption-assay cycles and 7.5 liter (STP) sample volume. Calibrations with the internal permeation cell were performed at the beginning and end of the field deployment where 24 hour conditioning was possible. Calibrations by manual injections using the 2505 Mercury Vapor Calibration Unit (Tekran Inc., Toronto, Ontario) were conducted before and after deployment and in the field. They agreed within 10% (n> 5 for A and B) except when contamination of the syringe needle or of the septa at the Tekran and in the calibrator had occurred. The two problems were remedied by septum replacement and heating of the injection needle and the barrel of the syringe. The integrity of the sampling system was confirmed by manual injections at the inlet and at the Tekran injection port; they ranged from 95 - 105% of the values measured at the Tekran indicating that mercury was not substantially lost in the tubing or on the two filters. Periodic regeneration of the cartridges by treatment with zero air was carried out according to the instructions of the Tekran manual. The integrated area counts for each cycle were adjusted for the corresponding background counts and corrected for the pressure dependence using the recorded cabin pressure for each data point. The pressure dependence was calculated from calibrations at the home base at 823 mb before the ferry flights and at the deployment location at Iwakuni, Japan, at 1020 mb. Since the transit flight was in clean air in the free troposphere (about 6.6 km) deactivation was assumed to be negligible. The calculated pressure correction for both cartridges was 5.162 cts/pg/mb or .106 %/mb. This compares with the values of Ebinghaus and Slemr (2000) of .122 and .120%/mb for their A and B cartridges. The pressure corrected area values were then converted to concentrations by applying the calibrations in counts/pg and the corresponding sample volumes analyzed. Since the sample pressure was >500 mb for all research flights (but could drop to >400 mb during ferry and transfer flights) the assumption was made that all mercury was captured by the cartridges. Responses for individual flights were obtained by linear interpolation between the calibration responses of the six on-site calibrations. The resulting TGM concentration is calculated by ng/m3 = [pressure corrected area] /extrapolated calibration response/flow The permeation cell and manual calibration at the beginning and end of the field experiment agree within 10% of each other, but the overall response had declined by 36.0 and 32.8% for A and B, respectively. After some initial preferential poisoning of B, the decay rate of B remained larger during the experiment. The decay was proportional to the total air sampled, i.e. the number of flights between calibrations, suggesting that poisoning was an ongoing phenomenon. Regeneration effectiveness was about the same for A and B and more the highly contaminated cartridge recovered to a higher extent. When corrections and calibrations were applied to the TGM measurements, final A and B concentrations were within about 10% with A being larger. This applies to all flights except for flights RF 8-11 where there was an as yet not understood larger discrepancy. We elected to arbitrarily adjust the concentrations to bring the A and B relationship into the same range as all other measurements. The source of deactivation is not known. Suspicious poisons are contaminants from the airbase, which include hydrocarbons and possibly sulfur compounds from a close-by pulp plant. After deactivation had been noted, the sampling of ambient air near the base was avoided and the Tekran was operated on zero air as sample or shut down during take off and landing. However, poisoning occurred during most or all research flights, but partial regeneration during the mission was noticed during at least some of the flights as indicated by systematic changes in the A/B relationship at different portions of the same flights. (e.g. RF # 09) DATA FORMAT: Files: ACE-AsiaTGM.txt - A column delimited ASCII text file containing data for research flights 1-16. Parameters: Time (UTC), Latitude (DEG), Longitude (DEG), Altitude (METERS), TGM (NG/M^3) Sampling frequency: 300 seconds Data version: 1.0 (October 5 2001) Final