TITLE: NAMAP: NCEP Regional Spectral Model (RSM) (Henry Juang) 1.0 HEADER INFORMATION: North American Monsoon Experiment (Tier1) NAME comparison using Regional Spectral Model at NCEP Documentation and Data prepared by Yucheng Song Yucheng.Song@noaa.gov PIs: Hann-Ming Henry Juang, Kingtse Mo 1.1 CONTACT INFORMATION: Hann-Ming Henry Juang Mailing Address: WWBG, Room 201, 5200 Auth Road, Camp Springs, MD 20746 Tel: 1-301-763-8000 ext 7220 Fax: 1-301-763-8545 E-mail: henry.juang@noaa.gov Affiliation: DOC/NWS/NCEP/EMC 2.0 DATA DESCRIPTION: This folder contains the experiment model simulation from the period of May to October, 1990. It is seperated into three gzipped .tar files: two for tier 1 data and one for tier 2 data. Tier 1 Specifics: According to the NAMAP protocol, the experient is focused on Tier 1, the domain size here is from (18-37.5N, 100W-117W ), which is slightly larger than the proposed Tier1 region (105-115W, 20-35N). Users can use the provided GrADS control files to tune in their interested areas. The model uses Reanalysis II data every 6 hours as lateral boundary conditions. Surface data on May 1st is used, thereafter the model generates its own surface condition. Tier 2 Specifics: According to the NAMAP protocol, the experient is focused on Tier 2, the domain size here is from (10-40N, 125-74W), which is slightly larger than the proposed proposed Tier2 in the east-west direction. For a detailed area description, see the NAMAP page at http://www.ofps.ucar.edu/name/namap/index.html 2.1 DATA ORGANIZATION: A) TIER 1: The following structure will be generated when the tier 1 data files are untarred: 1) control files (for GrADS) a) Surface and Column sfccolumn_tier1_19900501.19901101.ctl There are 19 variables of ouput, they are: vars 19 PRATE 0 59,1,0 Precipitation rate (kg/m**2/s) CPRAT 0 214,1,0 Convective precipitation rate (kg/m**2/s) ULWRFsfc 0 212,1,0 Upward long wave radiation flux (OLR)(W/m**2) DSWRF 0 204,1,0 Downward solar radiation flux (W/m**2) USWRFsfc 0 211,1,0 Upward solar radiation flux (W/m**2) DLWRF 0 205,1,0 Downward long wave radiation flux (W/m**2) ULWRFtoa 0 212,8,0 Upward long wave radiation flux (W/m**2) USWRFtoa 0 211,8,0 Upward solar radiation flux (W/m**2) LHTFL 0 121,1,0 Latent heat flux (W/m**2) SHTFL 0 122,1,0 Sensible heat flux (W/m**2) PRMSL 0 2,102,0 SLP (Pa) TMPhag 0 11,105,2 Temperature (K) SPFHhag 0 51,105,2 Specific humidity (kg/kg) UGRDhag 0 33,105,10 u wind (m/s) VGRDhag 0 34,105,10 v wind (m/s) ALBDO 0 84,1,0 Albedo (percent) PWAT 0 54,200,0 Precipitable water (kg/m**2) TCDCclm 0 71,200,0 Total cloud cover (percent) CDCON 0 72,200,0 Convective cloud cover (percent) endvars b) Pressure (on 8 levels) Z.tier1.ctl: Geopotential height U.tier1.ctl: U component of the wind V.tier1.ctl: V component of the wind T.tier1.ctl: Temperature on 8 levels Tdew.tier1.ctl: Dewpoint temperature (K) spfh.tier1.ctl: Specific humidity (kg/kg) 2) data files a) Surface and Column sfccolumn_tier1_19900501.19901101.dat: Surface and column data b) Pressure (on 8 levels) hgtprs_tier1_19900501.19901101.dat : Geopotential height z ugrdprs_tier1_19900501.19901101.dat : U-component of the wind vgrdprs_tier1_19900501.19901101.dat : V-component of the wind tmpprs_tier1_19900501.19901101.dat : Temperature tdprs_tier1_19900501.19901101.dat : Dew-point temperature spfhprs_tier1_19900501.19901101.dati : Specific humidity B) TIER 2: The following structure will be generated when the tier 2 data is untarred: 1) control files (for GrADS) SLP.tier2.ctl: Sea Level Pressure d prate.tier2.ctl: Precipitation T.tier2.ctl: Temperature on 8 levels U.tier2.ctl: U component of the wind V.tier2.ctl: V component of the wind Z.tier2.ctl: Geopotential height Tdew.tier2.ctl: Dewpoint temperature (K) 2) data files slp_tier2_19900501.19901101.dat pratesfc_tier2_19900501.19901101.dat tmpprs_tier2_19900501.19901101.dat ugrdprs_tier2_19900501.19901101.dat vgrdprs_tier2_19900501.19901101.dat hgtprs_tier2_19900501.19901101.dat tdprs_tier2_19900501.19901101.dat 2.2 MODEL INFORMATION: Model Name: NCEP regional spectral model (NCEP RSM) Model Web Page: Primary Citation for Model: Juang and Kanamitsu, 1994: The NMC nested regional spectral model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 122, 3-26. 2.3 MODEL DYNAMICS-NUMERICS: Model Equations: Hydrostatic Horizontal Domain and Map Projection: Polar Stereographic true at: Lat-Lon window, pole of coordinate system coincident with geographic pole: on Lat-Lon window of a rotated lat-lon coordinate system, pole rotated by: Other: Horizontal Resolution: 40km for Tier2, 20km for Tier1 Vertical Coordinate: sigma, P/Psfc Vertical Levels: 28 layers Treatment of Gravity Wave Terms: Semi-Implicit Specification of lateral boundary conditions: Relaxation to Reanalysis II 2.4 MODEL PHYSICS: Ocean Surface Temperature: Prescribed Land Surface Temperature: Computed via surface heat budget Land Surface Moisture: Computed via surface moisture budget Vegetation: USGS data Runoff Scheme Included?: on Surface Layer Scheme: Bulk Type: Value of CD is: Similarity Theory: on Other: Planetary Boundary Layer Scheme: Bulk Type: K-Type: Form of K: on non-local Turbulent Kinetic Energy Scheme: Other: Convection Scheme (Deep): Arakawa-Schubert Non-Convective Condensation: According to What % Saturation Criterion?: on 100 Sundqvist Scheme: Explicit Scheme: Please List Prognostic Variables: Other: Infrared Radiation (Free Atmosphere) Code: FGDL radiation Data Output Answer Size of Output: Format of Output: GRIB 3.0 DATA NOTES: Calculation of dewpoint temperature: Since the dewpoint temperature is not a direct output of the model, we use the formula from AWIPS to calculate the dewpoint temperature. The AWIPS formulation for calculating the saturation vapor pressure is: Es = exp(C15-C1*T-C2/T) Next, the relative humidity is used to calculate the vapor pressure. Vapor pressure is then used in the empirical formula to calculate dewpoint temperature. E = RH*Es b = C15-ln(E) Td=(b-sqrt(b*b-C3))/C4 where: T = temperature (K) RH = relative humidity (ratio) b = intermediate place holder C15 = 26.66082 C1 = 0.0091379024 C2 = 6106.396 C3 = 223.1986 C4 = 0.0182758048 4.0 Quality Control: No additional quality control was performed on this data by UCAR/JOSS. 5.0 References: