CEOP/EOP1 CATCH Niamey Daily Precipitation Data CONTACT: Thierry Lebel Laboratoire d'Etude des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement BP 53 Domaine universitaire 38041 GRENOBLE cedex 9, FRANCE Telephone: (33) 04 76 82 52 85 Facsimile: E-mail: Data Format: 1321201800 2001 3210600 -1 6847200 3220600 0 6933600 4300600 0 10303200 5010600 8 10389600 5020600 0 10476000 5100600 0 11167200 5110600 257 11253600 1321201800 is the station identifier (see the station list document included with your order). 2001 is the year First Column: The nominal date and time of the observation, e.g. 3210600 is the month (3) day of month (21) and nominal time of the observation (0600). The time is thought at present to be UTC but still unclear. Second Column: The rainfall amount registered between date i and date i+1 (1/10 mm), e.g. 257 between 11th of May (6 AM) and 12th of May (6 AM), 25.7 mm of rainfall was registered. A negative value in this column represents a missing value. Third Column: The actual time of the observation, e.g. 6847200 the actual time of the observation in seconds from the beginning of the year. Note that the station list for these data is included with your order. This file is called: catch_niamey_stations.doc