Mesonet NCAR Supplemental Surface Met Station Data [NCAR/ATD] CONTACT: Steve Williams UCAR/JOSS P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307-3000 phone: 303-497-8164 email: 1.0 General Description This dataset contains supplemental data from NCAR's Meteorological Stations. Data includes pressure, temperature, humidity, wind speed and wind direction for the IHOP_2002 time period. Five stations are represented in this dataset. Four of the stations' data is in ASCII comma delimited format with a single file for each station for the entire time period. The fifth station's data is in NetCDF format and is broken down into hourly files. 2.0 Data and Format Information Four of the stations are in the format described below, the fifth is in NetCDF format. This data is represented in the following comma delimited format. Station ID,Pressure(mb),Temp(C),Humidity(%),Windspeed(M/S),Winddirection(degrees),Julian Day,HHMM Station ID should be ignored, as it reports 108 for all stations. The station ID was derived from the corresponding locations in the IHOP handout booklet. Additional information regarding these stations is available from the IHOP booklet. USER NOTES: Ventilation fans failed on all stations during this project at sometime between May 18th(julian 138) and June 6th(julian 157) on the day they were replaced. There were no further failures from that date until the end of the project.(J 177) Users should note that sensor arm heating may have occurred when windspeeds were low and daytime temperatures were high during this period. 3.0 Quality Control Procedures UCAR/JOSS conducted no quality control procedures. 4.0 File Naming Convention and Station Information ASCII files: ============ 3013Verle.DAT =2924KB is from Verle's place, at North 36 deg 43.093 min West 101 deg 03.869 min Elevation= 862 meters or 2828 ft. (Note: elev for Verle updated on 2002/04/17) 3012Lincolns.DAT =2731KB is from Land of Lincolns, at NORTH 36 deg 21.227 min WEST 100 deg 58.044 min Elevation = 915 meters or 3002 feet 3014rustytank.DAT =2731KB is from the Rusty tank site, at NORTH 36 deg 24.968 min WEST 101 deg 11.499 min Elevation = 922 meters or 3027 feet 3015Playhouse.DAT =2731KB is from the Playhouse, at NORTH 36 deg 35.031 min WEST 100 deg 52.997 min Elevation = 876 meters or 2875 feet NetCDF Files: ============ spol_surface.YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS.cdf is from the S-pol surface site Note: The following coordinates are the correct ones and should be used in place of those in the netCDF data files. NORTH 36 deg 34.331 min WEST 100 deg 45.305 min Elevation 883.3 meters 5.0 References None.