readme.915 Readme file for IHOP MIPS 915MHz wind profiler data (S.Paech) The 915 MHz Wind Profiler (915) data is in 3 forms*: - raw, binary spectra - ascii 30 min consensus - additional ascii format to enable simple viewing and perusal The raw, binary files, containing spectra, are located in the 'raw' directory and are named DYYJJJA.SPC and HYYJJJA.SPC where: C -> file contents - D for data, H for header YY -> two digit year JJJ -> Julian day A -> reference, if more than one file The raw, 30 min consensus wind and RASS temperature files are also located in the 'raw' directory and are named WYYJJJ.CNS and TYYJJJ.CNS where: C -> file contents - W for winds, T for temperature YY -> two digit year JJJ -> Julian day Refer to the document "915_raw_data_format.doc" for the above raw data formats. The winds plots in the 'images' directory are of these raw consensus winds*. The additional ascii format data are located in the 'processed' directory in two files - 915_YYYYMMDD_mom.dat and 915_YYYYMMDD_hrw.dat, where: YYYY -> four digit year MM -> month DD -> day of month mom -> file contains doppler moments for each beam hrw -> file contains 3D wind solution for 3 successive beams centered on the vertical beam The vertical motion in the hrw file is interpolated to the same heights as the off-zenith beams. If the user is interested in vertical motion, the user is encouraged to use data from the mom file. The vertical beams in the mom file are the ones that have an elevation of 90 degrees. The velocity reported in the mom file is radial velocity, with negative numbers indicating velocity away from the radar. To obtain vertical velocity (w), the radial velocity must be multiplied by -1. *Wind directions in the hrw files have been adjusted to take into account the MIPS orientation during each deployment (specified in ihoplog.txt) and hence are the true wind directions. This correction has NOT been made to the raw (SPC & CNS) data. Refer to ihoplog.dat for information regarding MIPS setup during each deployment. Please visit for detailed instrumentation information. Before you use any of this data, please contact us for recent updates and possible corrections to the data sets. If you have any questions, please contact: Justin Walters ph: 256-961-7008 email: