TITLE: Mesonet Arizona Maricopa County ALERT Precipitation Network Data CONTACTS: Flood Control District of Maricopa County sdw@mail.maricopa.gov (602) 506-8701 http://www.fcd.maricopa.gov/alert/alert.htm 1.0 DATA SET OVERVIEW This data set contains precipitation data from the Maricopa County ALERT precipitation network. There are a total of 288 stations included in the data set. The data are collected on an event basis. The stations are located throughout Maricopa County in Arizona. This data set covers the period from 1 June to 30 September 2004. The data are in columnar ASCII format. 2.0 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Instrumentation Information At the time of this writing (25 March 2005) instrumentation information is not available. It is expected that by April or May of 2005 the Maricopa County Flood Control District web page: http://www.fcd.maricopa.gov/alert/alert.htm will have detailed information on the instrumentation at each station. Also included will be site descriptions, obstructions and photographs around each station. 2.2 Station Locations Station locations are included in the comma delimited file precip_sites.txt that is included with your data order. 3.0 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING Information on the collection and processing of these data can be found at the Maricopa County network page: http://www.fcd.maricopa.gov/Services/ALERT/default.asp UCAR/JOSS conducted no processing or quality control on these data. 4.0 DATA FORMAT AND FILE NAMING 4.1 Data Format There are individual files for each station. These data are in columnar ASCII format. Each file contains some header records, e.g. FCDMC ALERT System Data Display 5430 White Tank Peak Precipitation Gage Date Time inches These provide the sensor id (5430) the station name (White Tank Peak), the parameter (Precipitation Gage) and then the data column headers with the Date and Time (in Mountain Standard Time) and the units (inches). Values are recorded on an event basis. The precipitation values are cumulative over the water year. 4.2 File Naming conventions StationName_SensorID.txt e.g. WhiteTankPeak_5430.txt 5.0 DATA REMARKS Q: Why do most of the rain gages appear to read in increments of 0.04 inches? A: Because most of the rain gages actually read in millimeters. One millimeter is equal to 0.03937 inches, and it is this number that is used by the computer to do calculations. For example, 7mm will read as 0.28 inches, but 8mm will round to 0.31 inches when reported in hundredths of inches. A few of the raingages read in increments of 0.01 inches, and there are no rounding errors in calculations for these gages. 6.0 REFERNCES None.