NAME 2004 New Mexico State University (NMSU) Hourly Surface Data (NCAR/EOL surface QC format)

1.0 General Description

This dataset contains hourly resolution surface meteorological data in National Center for Atmospheric Research / Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL) Quality Control (QC) format from stations within the New Mexico State University Network (NMSU). Information about the network and pictures of the stations are available at the NMSU Network home page ( NMSU, 2003). This dataset contains data from 129 stations.

This data set is provided with the parameter values unchanged. Note that the NMSU native format data set used a value of zero to represent missing data. These zero values have been carried through into this data set.

Section 2.0 contains a detailed description of the instrumentation, siting, and algorithms used by the source network to collect the data. Section 2.1 contains a detailed description of the format of the composite dataset. See Section 2.2 for information on data processing. Section 3.0 contains references.

2.0 Detailed Data Description

  • Instrumentation

    NMSU Standard Stations

      Air Temperature
      Model: Scientific Model cs500 Probe
      Sensor Type: Thermistor Fenwall (UUT51J1)
      Siting: 1.5 m Above Surface
      Accuracy: +/-0.2 C
      Relative Humidity
      Model: Campbell Scientific Model cs500 Probe
      Sensor Type: Resistance Chip: Phys Chem PCRC11
      Siting: 1.5 m Above Surface
      Accuracy: +/-5% RH
      Model: Campbell Scientific Model TE525 Rain Gage
      Sensor Type: Tipping Bucket With Event Counter
      Siting: Gage Top At 43 cm Above Surface
      Accuracy: +/-1mm
      Wind Speed
      Model: Met One Model 014A Wind Speed Sensor
      Sensor Type: Anemometer Using Reed Switch
      Siting: 3.75 m Above Surface
      Accuracy: +/-1.5%
      Wind Direction
      Model: Met One Model 024A Wind Direction Sensor
      Sensor Type: Wind Vane Attached To Potentiom
      Siting: 3.75 m Above Surface
      Accuracy: +/-5deg

    UCAR/JOSS calculates dewpoint from relative humidity and temperature. For information on the calculation of parameters derived by UCAR/JOSS from the raw parameters available, see Section 2.2.

    Flags '*' and ' ' set by NMSU were translated to UCAR/JOSS Quality Control Flags as follows:

  • * -> E
  • ' ' -> U

    2.1 Detailed Format Description

  • The NAME 2004 Hourly Surface Composite observation data contains ten metadata parameters and 38 data parameters and flags. The metadata parameters describe the station location and time at which the data were collected. The time of observation is reported both in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) Nominal and UTC actual time. Days begin at UTC 0100 and end at UTC 0000 the following day. The table below details the data parameters in each record. Several data parameters have an associated Quality Control (QC) Flag Code which are assigned by the Joint Office for Science Support (JOSS).

         Parameters                              Units 
         ----------                              -----
         Date of Observation                     UTC Nominal 
         Time of Observation                     UTC Nominal 
         Date of Observation                     UTC Actual
         Time of Observation                     UTC Actual
         Network Identifier                      Abbreviation of platform name 
         Station Identifier                      Network Dependent 
         Latitude                                Decimal degrees, South is negative
         Longitude                               Decimal degrees, West is negative
         Station Occurrence                      Unitless
         Station Elevation                       Meters 
         Station Pressure, QC flag               Hectopascals (mb) 
         Reported Sea Level Pressure, QC flag    Hectopascals (mb) 
         Computed Sea Level Pressure, QC flag    Hectopascals (mb) 
         Dry Bulb Temperature, QC flag           Celsius 
         Dew Point, QC flag                      Celsius 
         Wind Speed, QC flag                     m/s
         Wind Direction, QC flag                 Degrees 
         Total Precipitation, QC flag            mm
         Squall/Gust Indicator                   Code Value
         Squall/Gust Value, QC flag              m/s 
         Present Weather, QC flag                Code Value 
         Visibility, QC flag                     Meters 
         Ceiling Height (first layer)            Hundreds of feet 
         Ceiling Flag (first layer), QC flag     Code Value 
         Cloud Amount (first layer), QC flag     Code Value
         Ceiling Height (second layer)           Hundreds of feet 
         Ceiling Flag (second layer), QC flag    Code Value
         Cloud Amount (second layer), QC flag    Code Value
         Ceiling Height (third layer)            Hundreds of feet 
         Ceiling Flag (third layer), QC flag     Code Value
         Cloud Amount (third layer), QC flag     Code Value

    The list of code values for the Present Weather is too large to reproduce in this document. Refer to WMO, 1988 for a complete list of Present Weather codes.

    The code values for the Squall/Gust Indicator are:

         Code      Definition
         ----      ----------
         blank     No Squall or Gust
         S         Squall
         G         Gust
    The code values for the ceiling flag Indicator are:
         Code      Definition
         ----      ----------
         0         None
         1         Thin
         2         Clear below 12,000 feet
         3         Estimated
         4         Measured
         5         Indefinite
         6         Balloon
         7         Aircraft
         8         Measured/Variable
         9         Clear below 6,000 feet (AUTOB)
         10        Estimated / Variable
         11        Indefinite / Variable
         12        12-14 reserved
         15        Missing
    The code values for the Cloud Amount Indicator are:
         Code      Definition
         ----      ----------
         0         0 ( or clear)
         1         1 okta or less, but not zero or 1/10 or less, but not zero
         2         2 oktas or 2/10-3/10 
         3         3 oktas or 4/10
         4         4 oktas or 5/10
         5         5 oktas or 6/10
         6         6 oktas or 7/10-8/10
         7         7 oktas or more, but no 8 oktas or 9/10 or more, but not 10/10
         8         8 oktas or 10/10 (or overcast)
         9         Sky obscured by fog and/or other meteorological phenomena
         10        Sky partially obscured by fog and/or other meteorological 
         11        Scattered
         12        Broken
         13        13-14 Reserved
         15        Cloud cover is indiscernible for reasons other than fog or
                   other meteorological phenomena, or observation is not made.

    Quality Control Flags

         QC Code   Description
    ------- -----------
    U Unchecked
    G Good
    M Normally recorded but missing.
    D Questionable
    B Unlikely
    N Not available or Not observed
    X Glitch
    E Estimated
    C Reported value exceeds output format field size or
    was negative precipitation.
    T Trace precipitation amount recorded
    I Derived parameter can not be computed due to
    insufficient data.

    2.2 Data Remarks

    Sea Level Pressure is calculated from station pressure using standard GEMPAK algorithms (Unidata, 2003).

    When not present in the raw data, the dewpoint temperature was computed by UCAR/JOSS from temperature and relative humidity using the formula from Bolton (1980).

    When not present in the raw data, station pressure is computed by UCAR/JOSS from altimeter and elevation using the formula from the Smithsonian Meteorological Tables, 1949.

    3.0 References

    Bolton, D., 1980: The computation of equivalent potential temperature., Mon. Wea. Rev., 108, pp 1046-1053.

    NMSU, cited 2003: New Mexico Climate Center [Available online from]

    Smithsonian Meteorological Tables, Table No. 65, p.269. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., September, 1949.

    Unidata, Cited 2003: Unidata GEMPAK/N-AWIPS [Available online from]

    World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 1988: Manual on Codes Volume I, Part B - Binary Codes. WMO, Geneva, Switzerland.