Title - SALLJEX Model Meteorology CPTEC (Brazil) Forecast Products: Global 80 km SALLJEX Coordinated model experiment 1 ..................................................... Description: These results correspond to the SALLJEX experiment, using the Atmospheric Global Circulation Model CPTEC/COLA, with a high resolution of T170 L42, that represents triangular truncation of 170 waves in the horizontal coordinate and 42 levels in the vertical sigma coordinate. This resolution corresponds to the required resolution of 80 km. CPTEC/COLA GCM is a modified version of the spectral COLA GCM, which was adapted from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) GCM. The dynamical and physical processes in the COLA model are described in Kinter et al. (1997). The CPTEC/COLA model dynamical processes and physical parameterizations are the same as those of COLA model, with Kuo scheme for deep convection (Kuo 1974); shallow convection following Tiedke (1983); Mellor and Yamada closure scheme applied for the vertical diffusion in the planetary boundary layer (Mellor and Yamada 1982) and biharmonic type diffusion for the horizontal diffusion which is necessary to control small scale noise. The shortwave radiation is that of Lacis and Hansen (1974), modified by Davies (1982) and the longwave radiation formulation was that developed by Hashvardhan et al. (1987). Cloud-radiation interaction considers predicted clouds using a hybrid scheme of Hou (1990) and NCAR CCM2 scheme (Kihel et al. 1994). The Hou scheme is based on cloud prediction of Slingo (1987). More information about the model can be found in Cavalcanti, IFA, et al., 2002. Global climatological features in a simulation using CPTEC/COLA AGCM. J.Climate, 15, 2965-2988. ...................................................... Institution: CPTEC / National Institute for Space Research - INPE Team: Dirceu L. Herdies, Iracema cavalcanti and Jose P. Bonatti contact: dirceu@cptec.inpe.br ..................................................... Model: CPTEC/COLA GCM T170L42 ..................................................... STARTING DATE FOR THIS CPTEC/COLA INPUT FILE IS 2003-01-17_00:00:00 TIME STEP = 200.00 SECONDS COARSE MESH DX = 0.7 Degree NUMBER OF LEVELS = 42 ..................................................... Parameterizations: ...................................................... FILES Tar file: cptec_exp1.03011700.tar Binary data: cptec_t170l42.exp1.03011700.grb Descripor file for using GrADS: cptec_t170l42.exp1.03011700.ctl Gribmap file: cptec_t170l42.exp1.03011700.gmp ...................................................... 31-07-03