NOAA R/V Ron Brown Aerosol Lidar Data [Brewer/NOAA-ESRL-CSD] Contact: Alan Brewer NOAA/ESRL Boulder, Colorado Data set Description: This dataset consists of two netCDF files which contain Lidar data collected from the R/V Ron Brown during the VOCALS 2008 project. The file contains vertical profiles of horizontal wind and the file has vertical profiles of vertical velocity turbulence (and higher statistical moments) and aerosol back scatter signal strength (snr). File Structure: The file has the following structure: year: 2008 yDay: [2058x1 double] latitude: [2058x1 double] longitude: [2058x1 double] cloudBaseHeight: [2058x1 double] cloudBaseHeightVar: [2058x1 double] height: [272x1 double] wVar: [272x2058 double] wSkew: [272x2058 double] wKurt: [272x2058 double] instWVar: [272x2058 double] epsilon: [272x2058 double] snr: [272x2058 double] count: [272x2058 double] and the file has the following structure: year: 2008 yDay: [2073x1 double] latitude: [2073x1 double] longitude: [2073x1 double] height: [299x1 double] speed: [299x2073 double] direction: [299x2073 double] dSpeed: [299x2073 double] dDirection: [299x2073 double] count: [299x2073 double] ---