Overview: These files contain the high sampling rate data from the ISFF towers during TREX. They were processed on 1 Mar 2008 using the calibration coefficients known at that time. Radiometer and soil sensor data have not been included in these files since most users will only need the 5-minute averages available separately. The hot-film anemometers and aerosol sensor that ISFF recorded were user sensors so their data will be distributed seperately. Empty file: Please note that the file c_20060228.tar.gz is empty. No data were collected at the central station on 28 February 2006. Please note that there are several data processing steps that have not been applied to these data: - "tc" is acoustic temperature from the sonic anemometer that has a small dependence on humidity. Humidity was generally low during TREX, so this difference is expected to be small. - Simlarly, "kh2o" from the krypton hygrometer has a temperature dependence. We correct for this co-dependence in the statistics, but it is impossible to apply the corrections to the time series due to the (albeit relatively small) spatial separation between these sensors. (See: http://www.eol.ucar.edu/instrumentation/sounding/isfs/isff-support-center/how-tos/corrections-to-sensible-and-latent-heat-flux-measurements for more information on these corrections.) - Large values of "kh2o" indicate that the optical signal is obscured (generally due to precipitation on the optics). - ISFF sensors report only relative humidity. Calculation of specific humidity at 1 sample/s is left to the user (though it is calculated in the 5-minute average data set), so pressure data are included in this data set as well. Format: - File naming: - c/s/w indicating which ISFF site the data came from (central/south/west) - "_YYYYMMDD" for the date (beginning 00Z) - ".tar.gz" for the file format (zipped tar files) - Each .tar.gz file contains up to 10 files. Unpack with "tar -xzf xxx.tar ." - There is one unpacked file for each sensor height on the tower at the site. They are named: - c/s/w_ indicating the ISFF site - 1/2/3/5/10/15/20/25/30m_ indicating the height above ground (files with "trh" have temperature/humidity data from all of the levels, plus surface pressure) - "_YYYYMMDD" for the date (beginning 00Z) - ".dat" for the file format (ASCII data) - First line of each file has the variable names: - u/v/w/tc/diag/kh2o are from the sonic anemometer and krypton hygrometer reported at 60 samples/s. - westerly wind component (positive is wind to the East) - southerly wind component (positive is wind to the North) (see: http://www.eol.ucar.edu/instrumentation/sounding/isfs/isff-support-center/how-tos/wind-direction-quick-reference) - vertical wind component - acoustic temperature - diagnostic flag (0=good) for the sonic anemometer data - kh2o is the calibrated humidity (included at heights 5m and 30m). Note that there approximately every 6th sample has a duplicated value due to the sonic anemometer sampling faster than the hygrometer. - P/T/RH are pressure/temperature/relative humidity at 1 sample/s - All but "P" have a height qualifier: .1/2/3/5/10/15/20/25/30m - Second line of each file are the units of measure for each variable. - Following lines contain the data: - YYYY MM DD hh:mm:ss.ssss time tag of each sample in UTC - Data values for each variable. "nan" are missing values. - The data have been synchronized to even times by chosing the sample nearest in time. - Files are in "unix" format without "return"s. - Files for 1,2,and 3m at central are empty until these anemometers were connected to the primary data system on 28 March. Documentation: - http://www.eol.ucar.edu/rtf/projects/trex/isff/ CHECK OUT the "Field Logbook" link in this document for details of sensor operation! Contacts: - Steve Oncley (oncley@ucar.edu) - Gordon Maclean (maclean@ucar.edu)