Georgia Tech/Goddard Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and
Transport (GOCART) Model
Georgia Tech/Goddard Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and
Transport (GOCART) Model
Contact Information:
Mian Chin (PI)
Code 916, NASA GSFC
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: (301)614-6007
Fax: (301)614-5903
Paul Ginoux
Code 916, NASA GSFC
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Phone: (301)614-6035
Fax: (301)614-5903
Model Description:
The Georgia Tech/Goddard Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport
(GOCART) model has a horizontal resolution of 2 deg latitude by 2.5 degree longitude and
30 vertical sigma layers. The model uses the assimilated meteorological fields from the
Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation System (GEOS-DAS). Major aerosol
types simulated in the model are: Sulfate (precursors released from anthropogenic activities,
biomass burning, volcanoes, and oceans), dust (emitted from topographically depression
regions with bare soil), organic carbon (emitted from anthropogenic, biogenic, and biomass
burning), black carbon (with anthropogenic and biomass burning sources), and sea-salt
(emitted from the oceans). The model includes the processes of emission, chemistry,
advection, convection, dry deposition, settling, wet deposition, and hygroscopic growth of the
GOCART will support ACE-Asia experiment by providing daily 3-day aerosol forecast during
the intensive field operation period in Spring 2001, and by modeling and data analysis after
the field period. The GEOS-DAS will provide 2 times per day the meteorological forecast
fields, including winds, temperature, pressure, precipitation, hi-, mid-, and low-level cloud
fractions, and we will use these meteorological forecasts to generate the aerosol forecast
products for daily
flight planning during the field intensive.
Additional information can be found on the WWW at:,_Mian/gocartinfo.html
Model Product and Output:
The following GOCART model aerosol and GEOS-DAS meteorological forecast products will
be provided daily at a 3- or 6-hour time resolution:
- Sulfate Concentration, optical depth at 600 nm (3-D or 2-D)
- Dust Concentration, optical depth at 600 nm (3-D or 2-D)
- Carbonaceous Concentration, optical depth at 600 nm (3-D or 2-D)
- Sea-salt Concentration, optical depth at 600 nm (3-D or 2-D)
- Total Aerosol Optical depth at 600 nm (3-D or 2-D)
- Winds Speed, direction at selected pressure levels (2-D)
- Clouds Fractions at 700-1000 mb, 400-700 mb, and < 400 mb
Above products (plots) will be available on the WWW at: