TITLE: Model CPTEC Enhanced Analysis (initial data for exp. #3)


Dr. A. Celeste Saulo
Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atm�sfera
Dpto. de Ciencias de la Atm�sfera y los Oc�anos
FCEyN - Universidad de Buenos Aires

Ciudad Universitaria - 2do piso - Pabell�n II
1428 Buenos Aires - Argentina

Te: 5411 - 4787 2693        Fax: (5411) 4788 3572
e-mail: saulo@at1.fcen.uba.ar


This data set has been provided by the CPTEC/INPE - Brazil and includes an enhancement 
in the observations corresponding to SALLJEX.

Please refer to  Cavalcanti and Herdies report in CLIVAR-Exchanges N29.  
for further details about the analysis procedure.

For those familiar with Grads software, you will find a control file 
(CPTECSALLJEX17-18jan2003.ctl) that opens all the binary archives in this directory

The files have been identified with the following name:
that stands for the Data Source and then the year, month, day and UTC valid time.

There are 9 files to cover the period ranging from 00 UTC January 17, 2003 
to 00 UTC January 19, 2003, with a 6 hour interval between each file.

The resolution is 18 levels in the vertical (1000  925  850  775  700  500  
400  300  250  200 150  100   70   50   30   20   10  3 hPa) and 1degx1deg 
in the horizontal, with global coverage.

The variables provided in each files are the following:

U    18 99 ZONAL WIND                              (M/Sec           )
V    18 99 MERIDIONAL WIND                         (M/Sec           )
OMEG 18 99 OMEGA                                   (Pa/Sec          )
DIVG 18 99 DIVERGENCE                              (1/Sec           )
VORT 18 99 VORTICITY                               (1/Sec           )
FCOR 18 99 STREAM FUNCTION                         (M**2/Sec        )
POTV 18 99 VELOCITY POTENTIAL                      (M**2/Sec        )
ZGEO 18 99 GEOPOTENTIAL HEIGHT                     (M               )
TEMP 18 99 ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE                    (K               )
UMRL 18 99 RELATIVE HUMIDITY                       (No Dim          )
UMES 18 99 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY                       (No Dim          )
TOPO  0 99 TOPOGRAPHY                              (M               )
LSMK  0 99 LAND SEA MASK                           (NO DIM          )
PSLC  0 99 SURFACE PRESSURE                        (Mb              )
UVES  0 99 SURFACE ZONAL WIND (U)                  (M/Sec           )
VVES  0 99 SURFACE MERIDIONAL WIND (V)             (M/Sec           )
PSNM  0 99 SEA LEVEL PRESSURE                      (Mb              )
TEMS  0 99 SURFACE ABSOLUTE TEMPERATURE            (K               )
UMRS  0 99 SURFACE RELATIVE HUMIDITY               (No Dim          )
AGPL  0 99 INST. PRECIP. WATER                     (Kg M**-2        )
TSFC  0 99 SURFACE TEMPERATURE                     (K               )