DQR ID | Subject | Data Streams Affected |
D040127.5 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Timestamp problems and intermittent data gaps | sgpecorE10.00, sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D040408.1 | SGP/ECOR/E16 - Data suspect due to inability to run QC | sgpecorE16.00, sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
D040526.6 | SGP/ECOR/E3 - Failed sensors | sgpecorE3.00, sgp30ecorE3.b1 |
D040617.2 | SGP/ECOR/E1 - Sensors failure | sgpecorE1.00, sgp30ecorE1.b1 |
D040617.4 | SGP/ECOR/E21 - Irretrievable data loss | sgpecorE21.00, sgp30ecorE21.b1 |
D040720.1 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Sensor failure | sgpecorE10.00, sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D040804.1 | SGP/ECOR/E3 - Failed IRGA | sgp30ecorE3.b1 |
D040826.1 | SGP/ECOR/E24 - Reprocess: Sonic analog input failure | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
D041008.1 | SGP/ECOR/E24 - Complete data loss due to hardware problems | sgpecorE24.00, sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
D041012.3 | SGP/ECOR/E14 - Data loss due to hardware failure. | sgpecorE14.00, sgp30ecorE14.b1 |
D041025.2 | SGP/ECOR/E1 - System time drift | sgpecorE1.00, sgp30ecorE1.b1 |
D041103.2 | SGP/ECOR/E16 - No water vapor density and CO2 concentration data due to sensor failure. | sgpecorE16.00, sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
D041221.2 | SGP/ECOR/E3 - Data transfer problem | sgpecorE3.00, sgp30ecorE3.b1 |
D041223.2 | SGP/ECOR/E16 - No data due to hardware problem | sgpecorE16.00, sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E16 - No water vapor density and CO2 concentration data due to sensor failure. |
DataStreams: | sgpecorE16.00, sgp30ecorE16.b1
Description: | The infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) failed on Nov. 2, 2004, 02:00; the system continued to
operate without H2O and CO2 data until Nov. 9, 2004, 15:30; then it stopped due to another
hardware failure. The system was returned in service on Nov. 12, 2004, 18:00.
The latent heat flux and CO2 flux data are irrevocably lost for the period from Nov. 2,
2004, 02:00 to Nov. 12, 2004, 18:00. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE16.b1: - number of samples with \IRGA hardware problem\ flag(n_bad_irga)
- latent heat flux(lv_e)
- covariance of qc(cvar_qc)
- kurtosis of variable c(kurt_c)
- rotated covariance uq(cvar_rot_uq)
- rotated covariance vc(cvar_rot_vc)
- mixing ratio(mr)
- number of valid c samples(n_good_c)
- 0=real or 1=dummy value of lv(real_lv)
- specific heat of moist air(cp)
- covariance wq(cvar_wq)
- 0=real or 1=dummy value of rho(real_rho)
- skewness of variable c(skew_c)
- mean value of out of range values and spikes of c -9999 if no spikes(mean_spk_c)
- covariance uq(cvar_uq)
- mean value of out of range values and spikes of q -9999 if no spikes(mean_spk_q)
- number of q samples removed due to spikes(n_spk_q)
- mean co2 concentration (c)(mean_c)
- rotated covariance uc(cvar_rot_uc)
- mean water vapor concentration (q)(mean_q)
- variance of variable q(var_q)
- latent heat of vaporization(lv)
- number of bad or out of range q samples(n_bad_q)
- 0=real or 1=dummy value of mr(real_mr)
- covariance vq(cvar_vq)
- Retrieved water vapor density profile(rho)
- rotated covariance wc(cvar_rot_wc)
- covariance wc(cvar_wc)
- 0=real or 1=dummy value of cp(real_cp)
- average voltage of IRGA cooler(mean_cooler)
- skewness of variable q(skew_q)
- covariance of tq(cvar_tq)
- covariance uc(cvar_uc)
- number of samples with IRGA optical path blocked flag(n_bad_irga_light)
- variance of variable c(var_c)
- rotated covariance wq(cvar_rot_wq)
- average atmospheric pressure (IGRA internal sensor)(atm_pres)
- covariance vc(cvar_vc)
- rotated covariance vq(cvar_rot_vq)
- average temperature (IGRA internal sensor)(temp_irga)
- number of valid q samples(n_good_q)
- number of c samples removed due to spikes(n_spk_c)
- covariance of tc(cvar_tc)
- kurtosis of variable q(kurt_q)
- CO2 flux(fc)
- number of bad or out of range c samples(n_bad_c)
sgpecorE16.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported(Raw data stream - documentation not supported)
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E3 - Data transfer problem |
DataStreams: | sgpecorE3.00, sgp30ecorE3.b1
Description: | Serial communication with one sensor (the IRGA) were partially disrupted due to
deteriorating hardware from 13:53, Dec. 19, 2004 to 09:31 Dec. 20, 2004. Serial data from the IRGA
is mainly used to get sensor status codes, so this might lead to false increase of "bad"
point count. It seems that IRGA analog outputs (stored in raw sonic data file, primary
source of data) were not affected, so the flux data may be reprocessed or verified using
raw sonic data files and ignoring IRGA sensor status. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE3.b1: - variance of variable q(var_q)
- covariance vq(cvar_vq)
- mixing ratio(mr)
- covariance uc(cvar_uc)
- rotated covariance wt(cvar_rot_wt)
- skewness of variable c(skew_c)
- covariance uq(cvar_uq)
- mean value of out of range values and spikes of c -9999 if no spikes(mean_spk_c)
- mean co2 concentration (c)(mean_c)
- latent heat flux(lv_e)
- skewness of variable q(skew_q)
- Retrieved water vapor density profile(rho)
- covariance wc(cvar_wc)
- kurtosis of variable c(kurt_c)
- covariance of tq(cvar_tq)
- mean value of out of range values and spikes of q -9999 if no spikes(mean_spk_q)
- number of samples with IRGA optical path blocked flag(n_bad_irga_light)
- average temperature (IGRA internal sensor)(temp_irga)
- covariance of qc(cvar_qc)
- specific heat of moist air(cp)
- rotated covariance wc(cvar_rot_wc)
- covariance of tc(cvar_tc)
- number of c samples removed due to spikes(n_spk_c)
- rotated covariance uq(cvar_rot_uq)
- number of samples with \IRGA hardware problem\ flag(n_bad_irga)
- covariance vc(cvar_vc)
- rotated covariance vc(cvar_rot_vc)
- average atmospheric pressure (IGRA internal sensor)(atm_pres)
- kurtosis of variable q(kurt_q)
- number of bad or out of range q samples(n_bad_q)
- CO2 flux(fc)
- rotated covariance uc(cvar_rot_uc)
- variance of variable c(var_c)
- number of bad or out of range c samples(n_bad_c)
- number of valid c samples(n_good_c)
- number of valid q samples(n_good_q)
- latent heat of vaporization(lv)
- average voltage of IRGA cooler(mean_cooler)
- mean water vapor concentration (q)(mean_q)
- number of q samples removed due to spikes(n_spk_q)
- rotated covariance wq(cvar_rot_wq)
- covariance wq(cvar_wq)
- rotated covariance vq(cvar_rot_vq)
sgpecorE3.00: - Raw data stream - documentation not supported(raw)