TITLE: Profiler/Sodar ARM Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) (915MHz) [ARM] CONTACTS: Richard L. Coulter Environmental Research Division Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, IL 60439 Phone: 708-252-5833 FAX: 708-252-5498 E-mail: rl_coulter@anl.gov 1.0 DATA SET OVERVIEW This data set contains hourly vertical profiles of virtual temperature and vertical wind velocity retrieved from the Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) Radio Acoustic Sounding System collocated with the 915 MHz Radar Wind Profilers at the ARM SGP Central Facility and the three ARM SGP Intermediate Facilities. It also contains the 915 MHz profiler data from the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiement (ABLE) project in the Walnut River watershed in Kansas. This data set covers the period from 20 May to 31 July 2003. These data are in netCDF format. 2.0 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Instrumentation Complete information on the ARM 915 MHz profiler and RASS instrumentation is available from ARM at: http://www.arm.gov/docs/instruments/static/rwpr.html Complete information on the ABLE 915 MHz profiler and RASS instrumentation is available from ABLE at: http://gonzalo.er.anl.gov/ABLE/ 2.2 Station Locations Site Elevation (m) Lat. Long. --------------------------------------------------------- Central Facility 312 36.601 N 97.487 W Beaumont, KS: IF-1 525 37.626 N 96.538 W Medicine Lodge, KS: IF-2 585 37.280 N 98.933 W Meeker, OK: IF-3 300 35.550 N 96.920 W Whitewater, KS: A1 416 37.841 N 97.186 W Beaumont, KS: A2 478 37.627 N 96.538 W Oxford, KS: A3 360 37.273 N 97.095 W 3.0 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING Complete information on the ARM 915 MHz profiler and RASS data collection and processing is available from ARM at: http://www.arm.gov/docs/instruments/static/rwpr.html General information on ARM data quality is available from ARM at: http://dq.arm.gov/cgi-bin/dqmenu.pl Complete information on the ABLE 915 MHz profiler and RASS instrumentation is available from ABLE at: http://gonzalo.er.anl.gov/ABLE/ UCAR/JOSS conducted no processing or quality control on these data. 4.0 DATA FORMAT AND FILE NAMING 4.1 Data Format These data are in network Common Data Form (netCDF) format. For information on netCDF see: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/netcdf/index.html 4.2 File Naming Conventions The file names have the following format: sgp915rwptempconC1.a1.20030513.000228.cdf where: sgp915rwptempcon is the data type (915 MHz profiler consensus rass) C1 represents the facility id (here ARM SGP central facility) a1 represents the data level 2003 - four digit year 05 - two digit month 13 - two digit day 00 - two digit hour 02 - two digit minute 28 - two digit second cdf - netCDF format extention 5.0 DATA REMARKS None. 6.0 REFERENCES None.