TITLE: Desert Research Institute (DRI) Mobil Microwave Radiometer (MMR) AUTHORS: PIs: David E. Kingsmill and Huaqing Cai Email: davidk@dri.edu, caihq@dri.edu Phone: (775) 674-7071 FAX: (775) 674-7007 Mailing Address: Atmospheric Science Center Desert Research Institute 2215 Raggio Parkway Reno, NV 89512-1095 1.0 DATA SET OVERVIEW: The Desert Research Institute (DRI) Mobile Microwave Radiometer (MMR) provides measurements of total water vapor and liquid water in the atmosphere. Surface temperature, relative humidity, vehicle location and time are also recorded. Data Set Overview: DATE MISSION TIME(UTC) COMMENTS May 22, 2002 CI 1500--0050 Data recoverable, available upon request June 1, 2002 CI 1930--2100 June 2, 2002 CI 1730--2100 June 3, 2002 CI 1810--2345 June 7, 2002 ABL 1545--2125 June 9, 2002 CI 1855--2250 June 10,2002 CI 1825--2230 June 11,2002 CI 1610--2320 June 12,2002 CI 1725--2155 June 14,2002 BLE 0950--1855 June 15,2002 CI 1540--2150 June 18,2002 CI 1755--2345 June 19,2002 CI 1810--2325 June 21,2002 BLE 1030--1905 June 25,2002 BLE 1025--2020 2.0 INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION: The Desert Research Institute (DRI) Mobile Microwave Radiometer (MMR) is a dual-channel instrument that operates at frequencies of 20.6 and 31.65 GHz. The basic antenna and receiver components have been thoroughly described in previous work, particularly Huggins (1995) and Hogg et al. (1983). The instrument measures brightness temperature at each frequency, from which absorption is computed. Statistical retrieval techniques are used to compute path-integrated depths of water vapor and liquid water (Westwater and Strand 1972; Hogg et al. 1983). The atmospheric retrieval coefficients are computed using a radiative transfer model on a set of historic soundings relevant to the location of interest. For detailed information of DRI MMR, please refer to IHOP webpage at: http://www.atd.ucar.edu/dir_off/projects/2002/IHOPinst/dri_mmm.pdf 3.0 DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING: The Mobile Microwave Radiometer (MMR) did numerous transects of the targeted boundaries during each CI mission. Pre-defined legs were sampled during each BLE and ABL mission. The total water vapor and liquid water are derived using a statistical retrieval method. Possible radio interferences are flagged as -999.0 in the data set. No data intercomparisons have been performed. 4.0 DATA FORMAT: Data File Name Convention: DRIMMR_YYMMDDHHMM.txt where YYMMDDHHMM specifies the start time of data collection. Each data file contains a header and a number of data records. An example of a header looks like : PI/DATA CONTACT=David Kingsmill, Huaqing Cai DATA COVERAGE=Start:2002-06-01 19:44:04; STOP:2002-06-01 21:21:51 PLATFORM/SITE=Ground Based Mobile Facility INSTRUMENT=Desert Research Institute Mobile Microwave Radiometer COORDINATES=Mobile DATA VERSION=1.0 ( 30 OCT 2002) PRELIMINARY REMARKS=IHOP 2002 REMARKS=Bad values are flagged as -999.0, no intercomparisions are performed yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS LAT LONG Temp RH Vapor Liquid Temp_QC RH_QC Vapor_QC Liquid_QC UTC Deg Deg C % cm mm C % cm mm The data record format is column delimited ASCII format. Both original and quality-controlled values of temperature, relative humidity, water vapor and liquid are recorded in the same data record. The original temperature, relative humidity, water vapor and liquid are represented by Temp,RH,Vapor and Liquid, while the quality-controlled temperature, relative humidity, water vapor and liquid are represented by Temp_QC, RH_QC, Vapor_QC and Liquid_QC, respectively. An example of one data record is shown below: 2002-06-01 19:44:04 36.6163 -101.0932 34.3 18.6 2.12 -0.13 34.3 18.6 2.12 0.00 Where each column is corresponding to one parameter listed in the file header. This is data version 1.0 released on 30 OCT 2002. The bad values are flagged as -999.0 5.0 DATA REMARKS: (a) No intercomparision with other instruments has been done. (b) The temperature and humidity observations should be viewed with caution when the radiometer truck is stopped since those sensors need proper ventilation. (c) Extremely high values of water vapor and liquid water content just before convection initiation should also be treated with caution although no flag is assigned to those values. 6.0 REFERENCES: Please refer to IHOP webpage at: http://www.atd.ucar.edu/dir_off/projects/2002/IHOPinst/dri_mmm.pdf for all the references cited in this file.