Radiometric Profiler Temperature, Humidity and Liquid Water Sounding Data (DOE-ARM)
Jim Liljegren
Department of Energy
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program
9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439
630 252-9540 (phone)
630-252-9792 (fax)
Randolph Ware
Radiometrics Corporation
2840 Wilderness Place #G, Boulder, CO 80301
303 449-9192 (phone)
303 786-9343 (fax)�������������������������������
This data set consists of 14.25 minute temperature, humidity,
and cloud liquid density profiles retrieved from a multichannel microwave and infrared
radiometric profiler. The profiler (serial number TP/WVP-3002) is manufactured
by Radiometrics Corporation. The location of the instrument is the DOE ARM Southern
Great Plains Central Facility.
The temperature and humidity retrievals are equivalent in accuracy to radiosonde
soundings when used for numerical weather analysis. The instrument and its accuracy are described by:
G�ldner, J., and D. Sp�nkuch, Remote sensing of the thermodynamic state of the atmospheric boundary layer by ground-based microwave radiometry, J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 18, 925-933, 2001. http://radiometrics.com/jaot.pdf
Ware, R., Carpenter, R., G�ldner, J., Liljegren J., Nehrkorn, T., Solheim, F., and Vandenberghe, F., A multi-channel radiometric profiler of temperature, humidity and cloud liquid, Rad. Sci. (in press), 2003. http://radiometrics.com/RS_03.pdf
Raw brightness temperature observation (*.tb) and retrieved profile (*.prf) files are included. The headers in the first line of these files define the columns below. For the *.prf files, the first letter in each row identifies the type of profile (T=temperature in degrees K, V=vapor density in g/m3, and L=liquid density in g/m3). Surface temperature (K), RH (%) and pressure (mb) are listed, along with the infrared measurement of cloud base temperature (Tir) in degrees K. The next column is the rain sensor flag indicating the presence of rain on the radome. �The next two columns are the retrieved integrated vapor (cm) and integrated liquid (mm). Retrieved temperatures at 47 levels are then listed, from 0 to 1 km in 100 meter steps, and from 1 km to 10 km in 250 meter steps. The retrievals are based on neural network training using forward modeling of historical local radiosondes.
Retrievals can be degraded by rain on the radome as indicated by the rain flag and by scattering effects that may occur when the integrated liquid water (ILW) retrieval is larger than ~1.5 mm. Data sets including �clean� in their filenames have been edited to remove observations where rain is flagged or ILW > 1.5 mm.
Temperature, humidity and liquid water profile contour plots to 1 and 10 km heights for the entire data set are included in ihop.ppt. VizMet software was used to display these retrievals. Researchers interested in obtaining VizMet should contact Randolph Ware (ware@radiometrics.com).
Files including �5� in their filenames contain retrievals based on a 5% water vapor bandwidth reduction [Liljegren, 2003; http://radiometrics.com/liljegren03.pdf].
All retrieval files are also provided in netcdf format.