Data description: AGE_DATA.CSV This file contains data on individual tree ages at treeline sites on the Seward Peninsula. The data are the raw data used to generate the recruitment history (in the file REC_HIST.CSV). The REC_META.CSV metadata file contains all of the information on sites needed for this file. The data were collected from permanently marked study plots within 6 study sites: two at Bear Creek (Bear Creek Floodplain and Bear Creek Non-floodplain) and four along the Fox River (Sandy Bridge, Fox Braid, Guy Rowe, Horton Creek). Trees that were sufficiently large to core (approximately 4 cm diameter) were tagged with aluminum tags and are identified by the 4-digit tag number. Trees that were too small to core were tagged with aluminum bird banding tags, and are identified by a 1-3digit tag number. The structure of the data file is described in the table below. Column number Column name Data format Description 1 Site Text Site name 2 Plot Integer Plot number within site. 3 Tag number Integer Number on permanent tag. Tag number is a unique identifier only for trees that were cored. 4-digit tag numbers are therefore unique, 1-3 digit tag numbers may not be unique. 4 Age of tree Integer Contains the estimated age of the tree in 2000. If data are accessed after 2000, this number should be incremented accordingly. 5 Establishment date Date (yyyy) Contains the estimated year in which the tree established. These dates lack annual precision, and should be analyzed only in 5-10 year classes.