ACE-ASIA Aircraft: C-130 Aircraft Flight Parameters; 1-sec rate (NCAR/RAF) 1.0 General Description This dataset contains airborne measurements obtained from the NSF/NCAR Research Aviation Facility (RAF) EC-130Q Hercules aircraft during the Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE-Asia). This field campaign was conducted out of Iwakuni, Japan from 30 March to 4 May 2001, exclusive of ferry flights. This dataset contains only a subset of the low-rate (LRT; 1 sample per second) production data. It does not include any experimental or researcher data. The complete low-rate dataset currently resides on the NCAR Mass Store in /RAF/2001/131/LRT/. It can be accessed thru the Research Aviation Facility (RAF) web page at High rate (HRT; 25 sps) data have not been processed at this time but will be made available by RAF on a flight-by-flight basis. Processing and distribution of these data will be made by RAF in response to individual requests by project participants. These 1 Hz frequency data have been processed and quality controlled by NCAR/RAF. 2.0 Detailed Data Description This dataset contains data for 19 flights made during ACE-Asia. The dates and times of each flight, along with the size of the complete (not subsetted) dataset can be found in Table 2-1. This dataset contains only a subset of the low-rate (LRT; 1 sample per second) production data. For a list of variables included in this dataset see Table 2-2. Note that some variables are different on different flights. For example, for liquid water content (LWC) PLWCC1 is included for flights 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. PLWCC is included for flights 1,2, and XGLWC is included for flights 3 through 9, 13, 14. A list of these variables can be found at the end of Table 2-2. The complete low-rate dataset currently resides on the NCAR Mass Store in /RAF/2001/131/LRT/. It can be accessed thru the Research Aviation Facility (RAF) web page at High rate (HRT; 25 sps) data have not been processed at this time but will be made available by RAF on a flight-by-flight basis. Processing and distribution of these data will be made by RAF in response to individual requests by project participants. RAF Bulletin No. 9, Appendix B (available on line at the URL: has the following descriptions for time variables: Raw Tape Time (h, m, s) - HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND These three time variables are recorded directly from the aircraft's data system. Date (m, d, y) - MONTH, DAY, YEAR These three variables represent the date when the aircraft's data system began recording data. They are repeated as 1 sps variables but are NOT incremented if the time rolls over to the next day. (Use base_time and time_offset for reference timing.) Reference Start Time (s) - base_time This is the reference time for the netCDF output data files. It represents the time of the first data record. Its format is Unix time (elapsed seconds after 1 January 1970). Use this measurement and time_offset to obtain the time for each data record. Time Offset from Reference Start Time (s) - time_offset This is the time offset from base_time of each data record used for the netCDF output files. Since it starts at zero (0) and increments each second, it can also be thought of as a record counter. Use this measurement and base_time to obtain the time for each data record. Complete documentation for the entire dataset can be found at This README has been linked to "Aircraft C-130 Aircraft Flight Parameters; documentation (NCAR/RAF)" in the master list of all ACE-Asia datasets. Questions about this dataset should be directed to the RAF Data Manager, Ron Ruth, Table 2-1 PRODUCTION MASS STORE BITFILE LOG Project no.: 2001-131 Project name: ACE-Asia Aircraft: N130AR Scientist(s): B. Huebert, et al. Data type: LRT Programmer(s): Chris Webster Processor used: NIMBUS Project Mgr(s): R. Friesen, K. Laursen, A. Schanot Output format: netCDF Production Proc.: R. Friesen, A. Schanot MSS path name: /RAF/2001/131/LRT/fltno.cdf MSS format: Transparent ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start Date Start End File Size fltno mm/dd/yyyy Time UTC Time UTC (Mbytes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RF01 03/30/2001 23:40:00 06:34:01 49.648180 RF02 04/01/2001 23:43:00 08:13:30 61.203012 RF03 04/04/2001 00:00:01 08:56:59 64.630872 RF04 04/06/2001 00:31:01 09:44:02 66.560744 RF05 04/08/2001 03:15:00 10:36:34 53.159996 RF06 04/11/2001 00:01:00 07:15:46 52.237712 RF07 04/11/2001 23:54:00 09:14:01 67.267712 RF08 04/13/2001 00:15:01 08:47:25 61.553720 RF09 04/16/2001 23:58:16 09:27:22 68.084080 RF10 04/17/2001 23:48:00 09:03:26 66.450640 RF11 04/19/2001 23:57:00 09:20:30 67.414768 RF12 04/22/2001 22:45:00 08:07:43 67.321144 RF13 04/23/2001 23:47:00 09:12:30 67.653788 RF14 04/24/2001 23:55:00 09:17:48 67.331072 RF15 04/27/2001 00:36:00 10:08:53 68.536252 RF16 04/29/2001 23:49:00 08:40:15 63.560236 RF17 04/30/2001 23:55:00 09:19:41 67.556176 RF18 05/02/2001 00:16:10 09:16:05 64.596064 RF19 05/03/2001 23:40:00 07:35:55 56.946784 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table 2-2 Suggested ACE-Asia variable list NCAR C-130 Name Units Description ---- ----- ------------------------------------------------ base_time Seconds since Jan 1, 1970. time_offset Seconds since base_time. PCAB mbar Interior Cabin Static Pressure RICE Vdc Raw Icing-Rate Indicator RSTB1 C Radiometric Surface Temperature SWB W/M2 Shortwave Irradiance, Bottom SWT W/M2 Shortwave Irradiance, Top TEO3C ppbv Corrected TECO (UV) Ozone Concentration UVB W/M2 Ultraviolet Irradiance, Bottom UVT W/M2 Ultraviolet Irradiance, Top DAY day Raw Tape Date Component HOUR hours Raw Tape Time Component MINUTE minutes Raw Tape Time Component MONTH month Raw Tape Date Component PITCH deg Aircraft Pitch Angle ROLL deg Aircraft Roll Angle SECOND s Raw Tape Time Component THDG deg Aircraft True Heading Angle VSPD M/s IRS-Computed Aircraft Vertical Velocity YEAR year Raw Tape Date Component ALTX M Altitude, Reference (MSL) ATTACK deg Attack Angle, Reference ATX C Ambient Temperature, Reference CONC3_RPO N/cm3 FSSP-300 Concentration (all cells) CONC6_LPC N/L 260X Concentration (all cells) CONCF_LPI N/cm3 FSSP-100 Concentration (all cells) CONCF_RPC N/cm3 FSSP-100 Concentration (all cells) CONCN N/cm3 Condensation Nuclei (CN) Concentration DBAR3_RPO uM FSSP-300 Mean Particle Diameter DBAR6_LPC uM 260X Mean Particle Diameter DBARF_LPI uM FSSP-100 Mean Particle Diameter DBARF_RPC uM FSSP-100 Mean Particle Diameter **DPXC C Dew Point Temperature, Reference IRBC W/M2 Corrected Infrared Irradiance, Bottom IRTC W/M2 Corrected Infrared Irradiance, Top LATC deg GPS-Corrected Inertial Latitude LONC deg GPS-Corrected Inertial Longitude **MR g/kg Mixing Ratio, T-Electric *PLWCC1 g/M3 Corrected PMS-King Liquid Water Content PSURF mbar Calculated Surface Pressure PSXC mbar Corrected Static Pressure, Reference QCXC mbar Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Reference **RHODT g/M3 Absolute Humidity, T-Electric Top **RHUM % Relative Humidity SOLAZ radians Solar Azimuth Angle SOLDE radians Solar Declination Angle SOLEL radians Solar Elevation Angle SOLZE radians Solar Zenith Angle SSLIP deg Sideslip Angle, Reference TASX M/s Aircraft True Airspeed, Reference THETA K Potential Temperature THETAE K Equivalent Potential Temperature THETAV K Virtual Potential Temperature WDC deg GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction WIC M/s GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component WSC M/s GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed * For liquid water content (LWC) use PLWCC1 for flights 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Use PLWCC for flights 1,2. Use XGLWC for flights 3 through 9, 13, 14. ** For dew point (DP), water vapor (RHO, MR), and humidity (RH) use the following: For flights 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19 use DPXC, RHODT, MR,RHUM For flights 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 16 use DPLA1, RHOLA1, MRLA1, RHLA1 For flights 11, use DPLA, RHOLA, MRLA, RHLA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 Quality Control These 1 Hz frequency data have been processed and quality controlled by NCAR/RAF.