TITLE: Environmental Variability, Bowhead Whale Distributions, and Inupiat Subsistence Whaling - Whaling Linkages and Resilience of an Alaskan Coastal System

AUTHOR: Dr. Stephen R. Okkonen, Phone: 907-283-3234, email: okkonen@alaska.net

NSF GRANTS: 0436166, 0436131

DATE SET OVERVIEW: This data set contains CTD cast profiles of measured water column parameters acquired during the SNACS cruises, August - September, 2005 and 2006 in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas near Barrow, Alaska. The data set includes the cast/station identifiers, date/time of cast, latitude/longitude position, depth (m), temperature (deg. C), salinity (psu), sigma-t, chlorophyll fluorescence (mg/m3), PAR/irradiance and a flag.

METHODS: Individual casts were conducted by lowering a SeaBird SBE19plus CTD, additionally instrumented with a Wetlabs Wetstar fluorometer and a Licor PAR/Irradiance sensor, to within 1-3 meters of the bottom. Only measurements from the downcast are reported.