DQR ID | Subject | Data Streams Affected |
D081022.1 | SGP/SWATS/E3 - Sensor failure, 60cm E | sgpswatsE3.b1 |
D081027.4 | SGP/SWATS/E16 - Incorrect soil moisture | sgpswatsE16.b1 |
D081027.5 | SGP/SWATS/E19 - Sensor failure, 60cm E | sgpswatsE19.b1 |
D081028.2 | SGP/SWATS/E20 - Sensor failure, 5cm E | sgpswatsE20.b1 |
D081210.13 | SGP/SWATS/E15 - Incorrect soil moisture | sgpswatsE15.b1 |
D081210.9 | SGP/SWATS/E5 - Sensor failure, 175cm E | sgpswatsE5.b1 |
D081218.1 | SGP/SWATS/E7 - Soil temperature irregular, 125cm E | sgpswatsE7.b1 |
D081218.2 | SGP/SWATS/E10 - Soil temperature irregular, 25cm W | sgpswatsE10.b1 |
D081223.1 | SGP/SWATS/E19 - Sensor failure, 125 W | sgpswatsE19.b1 |
D081223.2 | SGP/SWATS/E19 - Failed sensor, 35cm E | sgpswatsE19.b1 |
D081223.3 | SGP/SWATS/E19 - Sensor failure, 15cm W | sgpswatsE19.b1 |
D090115.4 | SGP/SWATS/E20 - Sensor failure, 15cm E | sgpswatsE20.b1 |
D090115.5 | SGP/SWATS/E20 - Sensor failures | sgpswatsE20.b1 |
D090120.2 | SGP/SWATS/E27 - Incorrect serial numbers | sgpswatsE27.b1 |
D090120.3 | SGP/SWATS/E27 - Reprocess: Miscalibration | sgpswatsE27.b1 |
D090203.3 | SGP/SWATS/E20 - Incorrect soil moisture data | sgpswatsE20.b1 |
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
07/10/2008 | 0700 | 10/29/2008 | 1700 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E3 - Sensor failure, 60cm E |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE3.b1 |
Description: | The temperature rise readings from the 60-cm depth on the east profile (trise_E) were incorrect. This problem also causes the matric potential (soilwatpot_E) and water content (watcont_E) data for the 60-cm depth to be incorrect. The sensor began to behave erratically at 7:00 GMT on 07/10/2008 before an apparent failure at 10:00 GMT on 08/07/2008. Maintenance on 10/29 corrected the problem. Values of tsoil_E at the 60 cm depth are not impacted by this problem. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE3.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
10/22/2008 | 0800 | 11/05/2008 | 2200 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E16 - Incorrect soil moisture |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE16.b1 |
Description: | Sensors for all levels in both profiles were reporting values of temperature rise at or near 0 C. The incorrect values of temperature rise result in incorrect soil moisture data. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE16.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/28/2000 | 0300 | 12/11/2008 | 2000 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E19 - Sensor failure, 60cm E |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE19.b1 |
Description: | The 60cm East profile sensor began reporting temperature rise values near 0 C. This problem continued until the old profile of sensors was disconnected and the new set of sensors was connected. The soil temperature measure was not impacted by this problem. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE19.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
03/07/2005 | 2200 | 11/11/2008 | 1500 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E20 - Sensor failure, 5cm E |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE20.b1 |
Description: | The temperature rise readings from the 5-cm depth on the east profile are incorrect. This also causes the matric potential and water content data for the 5-cm depth to be incorrect. The soil temperature measurements were not affected. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE20.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
05/07/2008 | 2000 | 11/04/2008 | 2000 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E15 - Incorrect soil moisture |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE15.b1 |
Description: | At 20:00 GMT on 05/07/08, temperature rise data from ALL sensors on both profiles began reporting values of temperature change near 0 C. These incorrect values of temperature rise result in incorrect soil moisture data for all sensors. Soil temperature data are unaffected. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE15.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/12/2008 | 1700 | 10/28/2008 | 1800 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E5 - Sensor failure, 175cm E |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE5.b1 |
Description: | The temperature rise of the 175-cm East profile began reporting as incorrect with values near 0 C. This also caused the matric potential and water content data to be incorrect. On 10/28/08, a broken wire was fixed and data came back online. Soil temperature data was unaffected. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE5.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
10/28/2008 | 1900 | 02/04/2009 | 2025 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E7 - Soil temperature irregular, 125cm E |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE7.b1 |
Description: | The 125 cm E sensor was demonstrating temporal irregularities in its soil temperature measurements. These irregularities consisted of dips and increases of around 2-4 C that typically started around 14:00 or 15:00 GMT on most days. On other days the values appeared somewhat noisy throughout the day. In both cases, the temporal changes did not compare well with the other sensors installed at E7. A bad fiber optic cable was replaced. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE7.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
10/28/2008 | 2200 | 02/04/2009 | 2045 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E10 - Soil temperature irregular, 25cm W |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE10.b1 |
Description: | The 25 cm W sensor was demonstrating temporal irregularities and were noisy at times. These irregularities consisted of dips and increases of around 2-4 C that typically started around 14:00 or 15:00 GMT on most days. On other days the values appeared somewhat noisy throughout the day. In both cases, the temporal changes did not compare well with the other sensors installed at E10. A broken wire was repaired for 25cm W sensor. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE10.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/21/2002 | 0900 | 12/11/2008 | 2100 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E19 - Sensor failure, 125 W |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE19.b1 |
Description: | Temperature rise values form the 125 cm West profile sensor began reporting values near 0 C. This problem continued until the old profile of sensors was disconnected and the new set of sensors was connected. The soil temperature measure was not impacted by this problem. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE19.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
09/02/2007 | 2300 | 12/11/2008 | 2000 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E19 - Failed sensor, 35cm E |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE19.b1 |
Description: | Temperature rise and soil temperature from the 35cm East profile sensor began to report as -9999. This problem continued until the old profile of sensors was disconnected and the new set of sensors was connected. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE19.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
08/10/2007 | 0000 | 12/11/2008 | 2000 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E19 - Sensor failure, 15cm W |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE19.b1 |
Description: | Temperature rise and soil temperature from the 15cm West profile sensor began to report as -9999. This problem continued until the old profile of sensors was disconnected and the new set of sensors was connected. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE19.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
04/26/2005 | 0300 | 11/11/2008 | 1500 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E20 - Sensor failure, 15cm E |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE20.b1 |
Description: | The temperature rise readings from the 15-cm depth on the east profile were incorrect (0 or -9999) This also caused the matric potential and water content data for the 15-cm depth to be incorrect. Soil temperature data measurements also failed 20060502. No data from this sensor should be used at or beyond this date. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE20.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
08/05/2005 | 0000 | 11/11/2008 | 1500 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E20 - Sensor failures |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE20.b1 |
Description: | Following a period of missing values (-9999) from 08/05/05-08/17/05, sensors at several depths failed. Temperature rise values from the 60cm West and 85cm East profile sensors were very noisy after 08/17/05. These data, including matric potential and water content, were incorrect. Temperature rise values from the 85cm West and 125cm East profile sensors are reported as 0 after 08/17/05. Matric potential and water content data for these sensor were also incorrect. Soil temperatures for these depths were unaffected. Temperature rise and soil temperature measurements for the 60cm East and 125cm West profile sensors were reported as 0 or -9999 after 08/17/05. Matric potential and water content data for these sensors were also incorrect. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE20.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/25/2003 | 1900 | 11/30/2008 | 2300 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E27 - Incorrect serial numbers |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE27.b1 |
Description: | The wiring at E27 from the Campbell Scientific 229-L sensors is backwards. This issue impacts the following variables but does not impact data quality: serial_numbers_W, serial_numbers_E. All serial numbers stored in the serial_numbers_W variable apply to data stored in the trise_E and tsoil_E variables, and vice versa. Thus, the user should be aware that the trise_W, trise_E, tsoil_W, and tsoil_E variables actually contain data from the opposite profile. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE27.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/25/2003 | 1900 | 11/30/2008 | 2300 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E27 - Reprocess: Miscalibration |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE27.b1 |
Description: | The wiring at E27 from the Campbell Scientific 229-L sensors is backwards. Matric potential and water content data are incorrect due to incorrect calibrations being applied to temperature rise sensor data. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE27.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
12/20/2007 | 0000 | 11/11/2008 | 1500 |
Subject: | SGP/SWATS/E20 - Incorrect soil moisture data |
DataStreams: | sgpswatsE20.b1 |
Description: | After 12/20/2007, temperature rise values for all sensors (still operational at the time) were much too high, on the order of 10's of degrees C. Matric potential and water content data for these sensors were also incorrect. |
Measurements: | sgpswatsE20.b1: