Update 2011-01-31 by J. Haase ----------------------------- Please note we have discovered a bug with the rinex translation program with the wavelength factor and the sign of the carrierphase. This is currently being resolved and documented. The current dataset is not quality controlled. The complete dataset will be posted after this issue is resolved. Currently available: 2010-09-29_PSC18 Days 272 through 285 2010-10-08_PSC198 Days 285 through 295 All use of this data should acknowledge the following: This data was collected by Jennifer S. Haase, Purdue University Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences with the assistance of the John Amy Facility for Chemistry Instrumentation. This work was supported by NSF grant # 0814290, the Purdue Research Foundation, and contributions from the Purdue University Chemistry Department and Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department. Concordiasi was created by an international scientific group and is currently supported by the following agencies: Meteo-France, CNES, IPEV, PNRA, CNRS/INSU, NSF, UCAR, University of Wyoming, Purdue University, University of Colorado, and ECMWF. The two operational polar agencies PNRA and IPEV are thanked for their support at Concordia station and at the coast of Adelie Land. The NSF is thanked for its support at the McMurdo base. Concordiasi is part of the IPY-THORPEX cluster within the International Polar Year effort. (Detailed information on Concordiasi is available online at www. cnrm.meteo.fr/concordiasi/.)