VOCALS C-130 Gas Phase Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) measurements, version 2, June 2009.
PI: Bandy Alan, Drexel University, Dept of Chemistry, bandyar@drexel.edu
Submitted by: Byron Blomquist, University of Hawaii, blomquis@hawaii.edu
Data in these files is in ASCII text format with tab delimiters. File headers conform to the NASA Ames 1001 format with 16 header lines: e.g.
16 1001 | Header lines and format version |
Bandy Alan | PI |
Drexel University, Dept of Chemistry | Organization |
Blomquist Byron | Submitted by |
VOCALS RFxx | Project and flight number |
1 1 | Data management info |
2008 mm dd 2008 mm dd | Flight date and Data version date |
1.0 | Delta time |
Time in seconds from 00Z UTC | Time stamp identifier |
1 | Number of variables other than time |
1.0 | Scale factor for each variable |
NaN | Missing data specifier |
SO2 Mixing Ratio in parts per trillion by volume (pptv) | Data identification and units |
0 | |
1 | |
Seconds SO2 | Variable name header line |