DQR ID | Subject | Data Streams Affected |
D040526.6 | SGP/ECOR/E3 - Missing data | sgp30ecorE3.b1 |
D040617.2 | SGP/ECOR/E1 - Missing data | sgp30ecorE1.b1 |
D041008.1 | SGP/ECOR/E24 - Missing data | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
D041223.2 | SGP/ECOR/E16 - Missing data | sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
D050413.5 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Reprocess: Incorrect H2O, CO2 | sgp30ecorE10.b1, sgpecorE10.00 |
D050421.1 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Reprocess: Incorrectly flagged (marked as "bad") H2O/CO2 data | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D050421.2 | SGP/ECOR/E16 - Reprocess: Incorrectly flagged (marked as "bad") H2O/CO2 data | sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
D050421.3 | SGP/ECOR/E24 - Reprocess: Incorrectly flagged (marked as "bad") H2O/CO2 data | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
D050524.1 | SGP/ECOR/E6 - Missing data | sgp30ecorE6.b1 |
D050912.5 | SGP/ECOR/E6 - Reprocess: Time Was 7 Hours Slow | sgp30ecorE6.b1 |
D050922.1 | SGP/ECOR/E24 - Reprocess: Time Was 7 Hours Behind | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
D051024.3 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Missing data | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D051031.3 | SGP/ECOR/E14 - CO2/H2O Incorrect | sgp30ecorE14.b1 |
D051031.5 | SGP/ECOR/E21 - Missing data | sgp30ecorE21.b1 |
D051031.6 | SGP/ECOR/E24 - CO2/H2O Incorrect | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
D051101.10 | SGP/ECOR/E6 - CO2 and H2O Fluxes and Means Incorrect | sgp30ecorE6.b1 |
D051101.12 | SGP/ECOR/E24 - CO2 and H2O Fluxes and Means Incorrect | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
D051101.6 | SGP/ECOR/E1 - ECOR Pressure and Temperature Missing | sgp30ecorE1.b1 |
D051101.7 | SGP/ECOR/E1 - CO2 and H2O Fluxes Incorrect | sgp30ecorE1.b1 |
D051101.8 | SGP/ECOR/E3 - CO2/H2O Sensor Not Working | sgp30ecorE3.b1 |
D051101.9 | SGP/ECOR/E5 - Missing data | sgp30ecorE5.b1 |
D051216.2 | SGP/ECOR/E14 - Flux Measurements Incorrect | sgp30ecorE14.b1 |
D060104.1 | SGP/ECOR/E16 - Flux Measurements Incorrect | sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
D060531.3 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Reprocess: Wind Direction Incorrect | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D060616.3 | SGP/ECOR/E5 - CO2 and Water Vapor Fluxes and Means Incorrect | sgp30ecorE5.b1 |
D060619.2 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - LI-7500 Pressure and Temperature missing | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D060619.4 | SGP/ECOR/E16 - LI-7500 Pressure and Temperature missing | sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
D060620.1 | SGP/ECOR/E21 - CO2 and Latent Heat Fluxes Incorrect | sgp30ecorE21.b1 |
D060707.4 | SGP/ECOR/E16 - Latent Heat and CO2 Fluxes Incorrect | sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
D061103.4 | SGP/ECOR/E24 - Reprocess: ECOR Time 7 Hours Behind | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
D070223.1 | SGP/ECOR/E14 - Fluxes and Most Measurements Incorrect | sgp30ecorE14.b1 |
D070227.1 | SGP/ECOR/E5 - Reprocess: Time shifted -7 hours | sgp30ecorE5.b1, sgpecorE5.00 |
D070402.1 | SGP/ECOR/E21 - Intermittent incorrect flux measurements | sgp30ecorE21.b1 |
D070509.1 | SGP/ECOR/E10 - CO2 and Latent Heat Fluxes Incorrect | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
D070510.1 | SGP/ECOR/E5 - Flux Measurements Incorrect | sgp30ecorE5.b1 |
D070514.2 | SGP/ECOR/E14 - IRGA Temperature Incorrect or Missing | sgp30ecorE14.b1 |
D070619.1 | SGP/ECOR/E5 - Flux Data Incorrect | sgp30ecorE5.b1 |
D080428.1 | SGP/ECOR/E24 - Half Hours of Data Missing | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
05/25/2004 | 0300 | 06/16/2004 | 1730 |
07/01/2005 | 0200 | 07/15/2005 | 1600 |
07/19/2005 | 1300 | 07/27/2005 | 1500 |
06/07/2006 | 0030 | 06/14/2006 | 1600 |
08/03/2006 | 0130 | 08/09/2006 | 1700 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E3 - Missing data |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE3.b1 |
Description: | Data are missing and unrecoverable. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE3.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/15/2004 | 0900 | 09/10/2004 | 1800 |
10/03/2004 | 1500 | 10/05/2004 | 1830 |
05/24/2005 | 0800 | 06/07/2005 | 1800 |
09/06/2005 | 1900 | 09/20/2005 | 2030 |
05/31/2006 | 2000 | 08/08/2006 | 2230 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E1 - Missing data |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE1.b1 |
Description: | Data are missing and unrecoverable. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE1.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
10/07/2004 | 1230 | 12/09/2004 | 1730 |
10/20/2006 | 2130 | 10/26/2006 | 0900 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E24 - Missing data |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
Description: | Data are missing and unrecoverable. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE24.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
04/14/2004 | 1800 | 04/16/2004 | 1630 |
11/09/2004 | 1530 | 11/12/2004 | 1730 |
01/05/2005 | 0730 | 01/10/2005 | 1900 |
07/14/2005 | 1430 | 07/18/2005 | 1330 |
04/28/2006 | 1530 | 05/24/2006 | 1500 |
07/14/2006 | 0630 | 07/19/2006 | 1930 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E16 - Missing data |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
Description: | Data are missing and unrecoverable. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE16.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
12/14/2004 | 2230 | 01/11/2005 | 2200 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Reprocess: Incorrect H2O, CO2 |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE10.b1, sgpecorE10.00 |
Description: | Due to failure of analog output circuitry in the Infrared Gas Analyzer (IRGA), CO2 and water vapor parameters measured by the IRGA (water vapor density, CO2 concentration, fluxes of latent heat and CO2) were incorrectly recorded in sonic raw data files for the period of 22:30 Dec. 14, 2004 to 22:00 Jan. 11, 2005. The data could be recovered from IRGA raw serial files (00 level). |
Measurements: | sgpecorE10.00:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
12/10/2003 | 0000 | 02/04/2005 | 0030 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Reprocess: Incorrectly flagged (marked as "bad") H2O/CO2 data |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
Description: | Due to system clock instability on ECOR computers their system time is adjusted approximately once per hour; sometimes this adjustment leads to backward time jumps over midnight, into the previous day. In this case all the data based on CO2/H2O measurements might be erroneously marked as bad. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE10.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
02/23/2004 | 0000 | 03/13/2005 | 0030 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E16 - Reprocess: Incorrectly flagged (marked as "bad") H2O/CO2 data |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
Description: | Due to system clock instability on ECOR computers their system time is adjusted approximately once per hour; sometimes this adjustment leads to backward time jumps over midnight, into the previous day. In this case all the data based on CO2/H2O measurements might be erroneously marked as bad. Below is a list of times when that might have happen. SITE YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE 16 2004 02 23 00 00 16 2004 02 28 00 00 16 2004 03 01 00 00 16 2004 03 09 00 00 16 2004 03 15 00 00 16 2004 03 17 00 00 16 2004 03 22 00 00 16 2004 03 30 00 00 16 2004 04 02 00 00 16 2004 07 22 00 00 16 2004 08 06 00 00 16 2004 09 05 00 00 16 2004 09 20 00 00 16 2005 03 13 00 00 |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE16.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
03/19/2004 | 0000 | 03/24/2005 | 0030 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E24 - Reprocess: Incorrectly flagged (marked as "bad") H2O/CO2 data |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
Description: | Due to system clock instability on ECOR computers their system time is adjusted approximately once per hour; sometimes this adjustment leads to backward time jumps over midnight, into the previous day. In this case all the data based on CO2/H2O measurements might be erroneously marked as bad. Below is a list of times when that might have happen. SITE YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE 24 2004 03 19 00 00 24 2004 03 20 00 00 24 2004 03 21 00 00 24 2004 03 23 00 00 24 2004 03 24 00 00 24 2004 03 25 00 00 24 2004 03 26 00 00 24 2004 03 27 00 00 24 2004 03 28 00 00 24 2004 03 29 00 00 24 2004 03 31 00 00 24 2004 04 01 00 00 24 2004 04 02 00 00 24 2004 04 03 00 00 24 2004 04 16 00 00 24 2004 04 17 00 00 24 2004 04 18 00 00 24 2004 04 22 00 00 24 2004 04 23 00 00 24 2004 04 30 00 00 24 2004 05 30 00 00 24 2004 05 31 00 00 24 2004 06 01 00 00 24 2004 06 02 00 00 24 2004 06 03 00 00 24 2004 06 05 00 00 24 2004 06 06 00 00 24 2004 06 07 00 00 24 2004 06 08 00 00 24 2004 06 12 00 00 24 2004 06 13 00 00 24 2004 06 14 00 00 24 2004 06 17 00 00 24 2004 06 18 00 00 24 2004 06 19 00 00 24 2004 06 20 00 00 24 2004 06 22 00 00 24 2004 06 23 00 00 24 2004 06 24 00 00 24 2004 06 25 00 00 24 2004 06 26 00 00 24 2004 06 27 00 00 24 2004 06 28 00 00 24 2004 06 29 00 00 24 2004 06 30 00 00 24 2004 07 01 00 00 24 2004 07 02 00 00 24 2004 07 05 00 00 24 2004 07 06 00 00 24 2004 07 07 00 00 24 2004 07 11 00 00 24 2004 07 12 00 00 24 2004 07 13 00 00 24 2004 07 14 00 00 24 2004 07 16 00 00 24 2004 07 17 00 00 24 2004 07 18 00 00 24 2004 07 19 00 00 24 2004 07 20 00 00 24 2004 07 21 00 00 24 2004 07 22 00 00 24 2004 07 25 00 00 24 2004 07 26 00 00 24 2004 07 27 00 00 24 2004 07 28 00 00 24 2004 07 29 00 00 24 2004 08 01 00 00 24 2004 08 02 00 00 24 2004 08 03 00 00 24 2004 08 05 00 00 24 2004 08 06 00 00 24 2004 08 07 00 00 24 2004 08 08 00 00 24 2004 08 09 00 00 24 2004 08 20 00 00 24 2004 08 21 00 00 24 2004 08 22 00 00 24 2004 08 25 00 00 24 2004 08 26 00 00 24 2004 08 27 00 00 24 2004 08 28 00 00 24 2004 08 29 00 00 24 2004 08 30 00 00 24 2004 08 31 00 00 24 2004 09 01 00 00 24 2004 09 04 00 00 24 2004 09 05 00 00 24 2004 09 06 00 00 24 2004 09 07 00 00 24 2004 09 08 00 00 24 2004 09 09 00 00 24 2004 09 10 00 00 24 2004 09 11 00 00 24 2004 09 13 00 00 24 2004 09 14 00 00 24 2004 09 17 00 00 24 2004 09 18 00 00 24 2004 09 19 00 00 24 2004 09 22 00 00 24 2004 09 23 00 00 24 2004 09 24 00 00 24 2004 09 25 00 00 24 2004 09 26 00 00 24 2004 09 27 00 00 24 2004 09 29 00 00 24 2004 09 30 00 00 24 2004 10 01 00 00 24 2004 10 02 00 00 24 2004 10 05 00 00 24 2004 10 06 00 00 24 2004 10 07 00 00 24 2004 12 11 00 00 24 2004 12 12 00 00 24 2004 12 13 00 00 24 2004 12 14 00 00 24 2004 12 15 00 00 24 2004 12 16 00 00 24 2004 12 17 00 00 24 2004 12 18 00 00 24 2004 12 19 00 00 24 2004 12 20 00 00 24 2004 12 21 00 00 24 2004 12 24 00 00 24 2004 12 26 00 00 24 2004 12 27 00 00 24 2004 12 28 00 00 24 2004 12 29 00 00 24 2004 12 31 00 00 24 2005 01 01 00 00 24 2005 01 02 00 00 24 2005 01 04 00 00 24 2005 01 07 00 00 24 2005 01 09 00 00 24 2005 01 10 00 00 24 2005 01 11 00 00 24 2005 01 15 00 00 24 2005 01 17 00 00 24 2005 01 18 00 00 24 2005 01 20 00 00 24 2005 01 22 00 00 24 2005 01 25 00 00 24 2005 01 27 00 00 24 2005 01 30 00 00 24 2005 02 03 00 00 24 2005 02 05 00 00 24 2005 02 06 00 00 24 2005 02 07 00 00 24 2005 02 10 00 00 24 2005 02 11 00 00 24 2005 02 12 00 00 24 2005 02 14 00 00 24 2005 02 17 00 00 24 2005 02 18 00 00 24 2005 02 19 00 00 24 2005 02 20 00 00 24 2005 02 21 00 00 24 2005 02 22 00 00 24 2005 02 23 00 00 24 2005 02 24 00 00 24 2005 02 25 00 00 24 2005 02 26 00 00 24 2005 02 28 00 00 24 2005 03 04 00 00 24 2005 03 05 00 00 24 2005 03 06 00 00 24 2005 03 07 00 00 24 2005 03 09 00 00 24 2005 03 11 00 00 24 2005 03 12 00 00 24 2005 03 13 00 00 24 2005 03 14 00 00 24 2005 03 15 00 00 24 2005 03 20 00 00 24 2005 03 21 00 00 24 2005 03 23 00 00 24 2005 03 24 00 00 |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE24.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
08/23/2004 | 1230 | 08/26/2004 | 1530 |
01/05/2005 | 0330 | 01/13/2005 | 1600 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E6 - Missing data |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE6.b1 |
Description: | Data are missing and unrecoverable. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE6.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
08/11/2005 | 0900 | 09/22/2005 | 1540 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E6 - Reprocess: Time Was 7 Hours Slow |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE6.b1 |
Description: | When the site computer was changed on 8/11, the time was set 7 hours behind the correct time. This will be corrected by future reprocessing of the data. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE6.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
09/16/2005 | 0800 | 09/29/2005 | 1430 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E24 - Reprocess: Time Was 7 Hours Behind |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
Description: | When the site computer was changed on 9/16 the time was set 7 hours behind the actual time. This problem may be fixed during future reprocessing of the data. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE24.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
12/03/2003 | 2200 | 12/05/2003 | 2030 |
05/13/2005 | 1100 | 05/16/2005 | 1600 |
08/09/2005 | 1630 | 10/18/2005 | 2130 |
07/31/2006 | 0800 | 01/09/2007 | 2030 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Missing data |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
Description: | Data are missing and unrecoverable. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE10.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
08/25/2005 | 0000 | 08/29/2005 | 0230 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E14 - CO2/H2O Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE14.b1 |
Description: | The LI-7500 CO2/H2O sensor stopped working after a rainstorm. CO2 and H2O data are incorrect during the stated period. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE14.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/05/2005 | 0330 | 06/08/2005 | 2100 |
07/23/2005 | 1700 | 07/27/2005 | 1930 |
08/09/2005 | 0100 | 08/16/2005 | 1930 |
09/07/2005 | 1630 | 09/15/2005 | 1530 |
01/18/2006 | 1500 | 01/26/2006 | 1800 |
05/05/2006 | 2330 | 05/11/2006 | 0400 |
06/01/2006 | 2130 | 06/06/2006 | 2030 |
09/20/2006 | 0430 | 09/27/2006 | 1830 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E21 - Missing data |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE21.b1 |
Description: | Data are missing and unrecoverable. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE21.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/22/2005 | 0900 | 06/24/2005 | 1500 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E24 - CO2/H2O Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
Description: | The CO2/H2O sensor was not working during this period. All CO2 and H2O means and fluxes are incorrect and LI-7500 pressure and temperature are also incorrect. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE24.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
08/30/2005 | 1930 | 09/13/2005 | 0700 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E6 - CO2 and H2O Fluxes and Means Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE6.b1 |
Description: | The CO2 and H2O (lv_e) fluxes and means were incorrect during the period because the LI-7500 was not working. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE6.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
08/24/2005 | 2330 | 08/29/2005 | 0300 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E24 - CO2 and H2O Fluxes and Means Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
Description: | The CO2 and H2O (lv_e) fluxes adn means were incorrect while the LI-7500 sensor was not working. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE24.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
10/05/2005 | 1400 | 05/31/2006 | 1930 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E1 - ECOR Pressure and Temperature Missing |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE1.b1 |
Description: | The pressure and temperature from the CO2/H2O sensor is missing due to a failure of some kind. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE1.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
10/18/2005 | 2000 | 10/21/2005 | 1800 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E1 - CO2 and H2O Fluxes Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE1.b1 |
Description: | The CO2 and H2O fluxes (lv_e) were incorrect because of a LI-7500 failure. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE1.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
09/29/2005 | 1100 | 02/08/2006 | 1700 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E3 - CO2/H2O Sensor Not Working |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE3.b1 |
Description: | The CO2/H2O sensor failed. Means and fluxes of CO2 and H2O (lv_e) are incorrect or missing. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE3.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
01/04/2005 | 2230 | 01/12/2005 | 1830 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E5 - Missing data |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE5.b1 |
Description: | Data are missing and unrecoverable. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE5.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
11/04/2005 | 1330 | 11/17/2005 | 1630 |
12/01/2005 | 1930 | 12/13/2005 | 1630 |
01/24/2006 | 1500 | 02/13/2006 | 1930 |
05/05/2006 | 2100 | 06/13/2006 | 1400 |
07/07/2006 | 1930 | 07/14/2006 | 1500 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E14 - Flux Measurements Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE14.b1 |
Description: | The ECOR datastream was corrupted; this happens when the ECOR program produces a datastream of the wrong length (i.e., leaves one or more measurements out). Fluxes and some other measurements are incorrect. Reprocessing will not correct this problem; the raw data are corrupted. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE14.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
11/09/2005 | 1630 | 01/18/2006 | 1230 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E16 - Flux Measurements Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
Description: | The ECOR datastream was corrupted; this happens when the ECOR program produces a datastream of the wrong length (i.e., leaves one or more measurements out). Fluxes and some other measurements are incorrect. Reprocessing will not correct this problem; the raw data are corrupted. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE16.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
10/03/2003 | 1900 | 05/25/2006 | 1800 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E10 - Reprocess: Wind Direction Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
Description: | It was discovered that the E10 ECOR boom is aligned 17 degrees to the west of true north. Therefore, all wind direction data for the stated period is 17 degrees too high. Subtract 17 degrees from the wind direction to give the correct direction. The E10 configuration file was modified to correct this problem. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE10.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/14/2006 | 2130 | 06/17/2006 | 1030 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E5 - CO2 and Water Vapor Fluxes and Means Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE5.b1 |
Description: | The LI-7500 at E5 ECOR did not putting out data during this period. Therefore, CO2 and H2O fluxes and means were incorrect during the period. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE5.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/11/2006 | 0130 | 07/31/2006 | 0730 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E10 - LI-7500 Pressure and Temperature missing |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
Description: | The LI-7500 pressure and temperature were not recorded; the serial datastream was not being captured by the ECOR. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE10.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/17/2006 | 0230 | 08/02/2006 | 1530 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E16 - LI-7500 Pressure and Temperature missing |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
Description: | The pressure and temperature measurements were not recorded; the LI-7500 serial datastream was not being captured by the ECOR system because of a serial port failure. Some degradation of the latent and sensible heat fluxes may have occurred during high summer temperatures. The error in the fluxes would be no more than 5 to 10% of the measurement, still well within the measurement error of the system. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE16.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
04/13/2006 | 1230 | 04/25/2006 | 1500 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E21 - CO2 and Latent Heat Fluxes Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE21.b1 |
Description: | |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE21.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/21/2006 | 1500 | 06/23/2006 | 1600 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E16 - Latent Heat and CO2 Fluxes Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE16.b1 |
Description: | The LI-7500 CO2/H2O water vapor sensor was removed during this period. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE16.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
10/26/2006 | 0930 | 11/07/2006 | 0830 |
11/10/2006 | 1330 | 11/14/2006 | 0730 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E24 - Reprocess: ECOR Time 7 Hours Behind |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
Description: | The ECOR time was 7 hours behind during these periods. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE24.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
01/14/2007 | 0500 | 02/02/2007 | 1600 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E14 - Fluxes and Most Measurements Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE14.b1 |
Description: | The ECOR system was having major problems during this period and most measurements were incorrect most of the time. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE14.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
02/21/2007 | 1900 | 02/23/2007 | 2330 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E5 - Reprocess: Time shifted -7 hours |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE5.b1, sgpecorE5.00 |
Description: | An inadvertant power outage caused the ECOR program to shut down abnormally. When power was restored, the timestamps on the ECOR files were 7 hours behind the correct time and the site ID was not accessed from the ECOR configuration file resulting in site ID (05) being replaced with "AN". These conditions caused the ECOR files to be unrecognizable and therefore are presently missing in the Archive. Correction of the timestamp and ID in the files should allow them to be processed and added to the Archive. |
Measurements: | sgpecorE5.00:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
03/01/2007 | 0800 | 08/29/2007 | 1730 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E21 - Intermittent incorrect flux measurements |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE21.b1 |
Description: | At various times during the period, the LI-7500 CO2/H2O serial and analog signals from the LI-7500 were missing, but usually not at the same time. When the CO2/H2O serial datastream was missing, the Pressure and Temperature were missing; this did not, in itself, result in incorrect fluxes, as default values for pressure and temperature are automatically used. Fluxes were incorrect when the CO2/H2O analog datastream was missing; these times are identified by the qc checks. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE21.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
05/02/2007 | 1530 | 05/07/2007 | 0200 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E10 - CO2 and Latent Heat Fluxes Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE10.b1 |
Description: | The CO2 and latent heat fluxes were incorrect because the sonic anemometer was not working properly. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE10.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
11/20/2005 | 1930 | 12/14/2005 | 1930 |
04/18/2007 | 1930 | 05/17/2007 | 1815 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E5 - Flux Measurements Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE5.b1 |
Description: | The ECOR datastream was corrupted; this happens when the ECOR program produces a datastream of the wrong length (i.e., leaves one or more measurements out). Fluxes and some other measurements are incorrect. Note: Mentor reports reprocessing will not correct this problem. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE5.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
05/09/2007 | 1300 | 05/19/2007 | 1700 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E14 - IRGA Temperature Incorrect or Missing |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE14.b1 |
Description: | The temp_irga was too large 05/09/07 1300 GMT - 05/10/07 2000 GMT. The temp_irga was flat lined at 49.96 C 05/10/07 2030 GMT - 05/17/07 2000 GMT. The temp_irga was missing 05/17/07 2030 GMT - 05/19/07 1700 GMT. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE14.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
06/16/2007 | 0300 | 12/12/2007 | 2030 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E5 - Flux Data Incorrect |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE5.b1 |
Description: | CO2 flux (lv_e) and latent heat flux (fc) were incorrect because the sonic anemometer was not working. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE5.b1:
Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time |
10/27/2006 | 0530 | 11/08/2007 | 1600 |
Subject: | SGP/ECOR/E24 - Half Hours of Data Missing |
DataStreams: | sgp30ecorE24.b1 |
Description: | Individual half hours of data were missing infrequently because of a UPS problem. The extent of missing data is minimal, with only a few to several half hours missing most months. Data quality of the surrounding data times was not affected. |
Measurements: | sgp30ecorE24.b1: