-------------------------READ THIS FIRST!------------------------- The STARNET Lightning detection network is run by the University of São Paulo, Brazil, at Laboratório de Sensoriamento Remoto de Tempestades STORM-T, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, IAG For more information about the data and the network check http://www.zeus.iag.usp.br. If you use this data, we ask that you acknowledge us in your use of the data and cite: MORALES, C.A.; NEVES. J.R; ANSELMO. E.M.; SFERICS TIMING AND RANGING NETWORK - STARNET: EVALUATION OVER SOUTH AMERICA - In: XIV International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, August 08-12, 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Morales, C. A., J. R. Neves, E. M. Anselmo, L. S. Camara, W. Barreto, V. Paiva, and R. L. Holle (2014), 8 years of Sferics Timing And Ranging NETwork – STARNET: A lightning climatology over South America, in 23rd International Lightning Detection Conference & 5th International Lightning Meteorology Conference, Am. Meteorol. Soc., Tucson, Ariz. Any question, e-mail: carlos.morales@iag.usp.br ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bellow is the information of the data columns. Note that there are more columns in this data set than described below. The STARNET data set gathers the following information by columns: Collumn 1: Year Collumn 2: Month Collumn 3: Day Collumn 4: Hour (UTC) Collumn 5: Minute Collumn 6: Second Collumn 7: Millisecond Collumn 8: Latitude Collumn 9: Longitude Collumn 10: Major ellipse error of the ATD solution (in meters) Collumn 11: ATD error in microseconds Collumn 12: Quality control (0,1,2). See bellow. Collumn 13: Polarity (0,1,2,3) (+-). See bellow. Collumn 14: Number of Rx employed in the Solution (4,5,6,7) Collumn 15: Number of ATD pairs employed in the Solution (6-21) Collumn 16: RX 1 - (Not employed) Collumn 17: RX 2 - (Not employed) Collumn 18: RX 3 - CONICET - Trellew - Argentina - latitude: -43.24972 , longitude: -65.30842, alt=45, since 04/10/2013 Collumn 19: RX 4 - Universidade Santa Cruz - Ilheus - Bahia, Brasil - latitude: -14.79632 , longitude: -39.17189, since 18/12/2012 Collumn 20: RX 5 - Universidade de São Paulo - São Paulo , SP, Brasil - latitude: -23.559352 , longitude: -46.73334 - Since 29/10/2010 Collumn 21: RX 6 - Sede INMET - Brasilia , DF, Brasil - latitude: -15.78903 , longitude: -47.92334 - Since 24/09/2009 Collumn 22: RX 7 - UFAM, Setor de Avicultura - Manaus , AM, Brasil - latitude: -3.10339 , longitude: -59.98055 - Since 27/05/2009 Collumn 23: RX 8 - SIPAM ,Centro Regional de Belém (CR/BE) - Belém , PA, Brasil - latitude: -1.40945 , longitude: -48.46286 - Since 24/08/2012 Collumn 24: RX 9 - INMG - Ilha do Sal - Cabe Verde - latitude: 16.73206 , longitude: -22.93486, since 10/12/2012 at 16:15 Collumn 25: RX 10 - UFMS, Departamento de Veterinária - Campo Grande , MS, Brasil - latitude: -20.51021 , longitude: -54.61942 Collumn 26: RX 11 - OES/CRS-INPE - São Martinho da Serra , RS, Brasil - latitude: -29.44213 , longitude: -53.82161 Collumn 27: RX 12 - CIRAD - Antilles-Guyane - Point-à-Pitre , Guadaloupe, France - latitude: 16.18177 , longitude: -61.59016 Collumn 28: RX 13 - UECE, Campus do Itaperi - Fortaleza , CE, Brasil - latitude: -3.79456 , longitude: -38.55699 Collumn 29: RX 14 - LIM, CPTEC/INPE - Cachoeira Paulista , SP, Brasil - latitude: -22.68905 , longitude: -45.00597 Major ellipse error: It represent the major axis of the ellipse error that circumscribes the ATDs. The lower the value, better the solution. (This error is still under analyses, so don't take too much in consideration, use the ATD error instead). ATD error: It represents the Residual Error of the ATD solution. The values lower than 20 micro-seconds are considered acceptable, and it is expected to have low location errors according to the theoretical model. Quality control: It a simplification of the ATD error/Major Axis that is used to diagnose the location accuracy: 0-Good; 1-Questionable; 2-Bad Polariy: It is the retrieved ELF polarity (+ or -), where the values represent confidence level (1-low; 2-median; 3-high) and 0 no confidence. Number of Rx: It tells how many receivers were employed in the solution Number of ATDs: It tell how many ATDs were used in the solution. If we had 4 rx, we have a maximum of 6 ATDs (combination of 4, 2 a 2); 5 rx have 10 ATDs, 6 rx have 15 ATDs and 7 rx have 21 ATDs. The ATDs employed in the solution passed a quality control, and if it does not pass, it is not used. So, you might have some solutions that did not used the maximum number of ATDs according to the number of rx available The Collumns (16-29) indicate which receivers were available (1) or not (0). In the STARNET data example (the first 3 below) we have the following information: Sferics observed on October 12th 2008, at 23:00:02.649726 located at latitude=-4.37723 and lontitude=-72.91611, with an estimated major axis error=7.112 km with an ATD error of 16.0 us, quality good, 4 rxs avaible and 6 ATDs were employed. The Rx Sao Martinho, Campo Grande, Guadloupe and Sao Paulo were available. 2008 10 12 23 0 2 649726 -4.37723 -72.91611 7112 16.0 0 -3 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2008 10 12 23 0 4 23439 -4.18725 -72.13458 3642 15.6 0 3 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2008 10 12 23 0 5 782687 -7.55228 -75.02688 7289 16.4 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 The FORTRAN format to read the data is: n_receiver_STARNET=14 read(40,200)year,month,day,hour,minuto,second,milisecond, 1 ,lat,lon,major_ellipse, 1 userEr,qual,Pol,nRx,nPr, 1 (id_rx(i),i=1,n_receiver_STARNET) 200 format(I4,1x,5I3,1x,I6,2f11.5,I9,f6.1,4i3,14i2) For months before 2007-11 the data have the following format: 2007 10 31 23 59 34 891119 -4.96377 -65.34975 3949 14.9 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2007 10 31 23 59 46 126149 -66.02706 156.07356 11196 7.8 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 2007 10 31 23 59 53 728414 -50.49265 -51.48805 5335 0.9 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 The FORTRAN format to read the data is: n_receiver_STARNET=14 read(40,200)year,month,day,hour,minuto,second,milisecond, 1 ,lat,lon,major_ellipse, 1 userEr,qual,nRx,nPr, 1 (id_rx(i),i=1,n_receiver_STARNET) 200 format(I4,1x,5I3,1x,I6,2f11.5,I9,f6.1,3i3,14i2)