[Title] Ka-Band Probe Radar (KPR) profile data from the SPEC Learjet during the May-June 2021 SPICULE project [Authors] Lead : Alexei Korolev, Environment and Climate Change Canada alexei.korolev@canada.ca Ivan Heckman, Environment and Climate Change Canada ivan.heckman@canada.ca [Time of Interest] 2021-05-29 16:15:03 - 2021-06-26 00:05:27 UTC [Area of Interest] 33.714 to 45.339 N 105.200 to 95.049 W [Data Frequency] 5 hz [Data Spatial Type] Point,Vector [Data Status] version 1.0 Final [General Dataset Description] This data consists of a ProSensing 35.6 GHz Ka-band probe radar's measurements of reflectivity, spectral width, and velocity in fixed height 15m bins above msl. No corrections were done to remove ground reflections or other bad data, except for masking out the first 91 meters above and below the aircraft. The approximate height of each radar bin was estimated from the original bin range and the altitude and orientation of the aircraft. The velocity values were not adjusted for the movement nor orientation of the aircraft. The sign of the downward pointing radar velocities was flipped so that positive always refers to up and negative to down with respect to the orientation of the plane. Latitude, longitude, pitch, roll, airspeed, and altitude are also included from the onboard instruments documented separately https://doi.org/10.26023/GENG-Q8WN-TB13. [Data Format] 25 files: F[XXx]_[YYYY-MM-DD]_KPR.nc (netcdf4_classic format) Where: XXx=Flight number YYYY-MM-DD: date of take off [Data restrictions] none [References] Pazmany, A. L., and S. J. Haimov, 2018: Coherent Power Measurements with a Compact Airborne Ka-Band Precipitation Radar. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 35, 3–20, https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-17-0058.1 A. L. Pazmany and J. B. Mead, "Millimeter-wave solid-state cloud and precipitation radars and signal processing," 2018 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf18), Oklahoma City, OK, USA, 2018, pp. 0104-0109, https://doi.org/10.1109/RADAR.2018.8378539 [GCMD Keywords] EARTH SCIENCE ATMOSPHERE CLOUDS CLOUD MICROPHYSICS CLOUD RADAR REFLECTIVITY UUID: 46975e66-863a-49c9-b673-b2e099a04c85