Title: This should match the data set name. CAESAR Cloud Product Retrievals from Satellite Author(s) William L. Smith CERES Cloud Working Group Lead NASA SatCORPS Principal Investigator Climate Science Branch (E302) Science Directorate NASA Langley Research Center william.l.smith@nasa.gov 1.0 Data Set Description Introduction or abstract: The cloud products are subsetted from global, 3-km resolution gridded data. The satellites involved include: Terra, Aqua MODIS; N20 VIIRS; GOES-16 ABI, Meteosat-10 SEVIRI. Data version number and date: v01a Data Status: Preliminary (not publication-ready) Time period covered by the data: 02/20/2024-04/13/2014 Physical location (including lat/lon/elev) of the measurement or platform: Earth Orbit Data Frequency - Hourly Data source: GOES-16 ABI, Meteosat-10 SEVIRI, Terra, Aqua-MODIS, N20-VIIRS Web address references: https://satcorps.larc.nasa.gov/indexV2.html Data set restrictions: None 2.0 Instrument Description The instruments are from satellite passive radiometers: MODIS-1km, VIIRS-1km, ABI-2km, SEVIRI-3km 3.0 Data Collection and Processing Description of data collection: Data were collected from McIDAS ADDE servers at Univ. Wisc SSEC Data Services Description of derived parameters and processing techniques used The composites were derived using the best satellite view angle and time match to the top of hour nominal image time. Description of quality assurance and control procedures: Processing was checked for large percentage of non-valid data and was rerun if possible Data intercomparisons, if applicable None 4.0 Data Format Data file structure: NetCDF with corresponding PNG images Data format and layout (i.e., description of header/data records, sample records) List of parameters with units, sampling intervals, frequency, range cloud phase cloud optical depth cloud particle size (um) cloud water path (gm-2) cloud height (km) cloud pressure (hPa) cloud temperature (K) cloud vertically-informed water path (gm-2) shortwave broadband albedo longwave broadband flux (Wm-2) satellite ID relative time (sec) satellite view angle (deg) solar zenith angle (deg) satellite relative azimuth angle (deg) Description of flags, codes used in the data and definitions None 5.0 Data Remarks Clear-sky snow/ice is only identified in the geostationary satellite data below 60N latitude Software compatibility (i.e., list of existing software to view/manipulate the data plus software repository locations/links and responsible parties' contact information) netcdf4/hdf5 6.0 References Minnis, P., et al., 2008: Near-real time cloud retrievals from operational and research meteorological satellites. Proc. SPIE Europe Remote Sens. 2008, Cardiff, Wales, ID, 15-18 September, 7107, No. 2, 8pp. http://satcorps.larc.nasa.gov/site/doc-library/99-Minnis.etal.SPIE.abs.08.pdf Minnis, P. et al., "CERES Edition-2 Cloud Property Retrievals Using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS Data--Part I: Algorithms," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 4374-4400, Nov. 2011, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2011.2144601. Minnis, P. et al., "CERES MODIS Cloud Product Retrievals for Edition 4--Part I: Algorithm Changes," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 2744-2780, April 2021, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3008866. Smith, W. L., P. Minnis, C. Fleeger, D. Spangenberg, R. Palikonda, L. Nguyen, 2012: Determining the Flight Icing Threat to Aircraft with Single-Layer Cloud Parameters Derived from Operational Satellite Data. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 51, 1794-1810, https://satcorps.larc.nasa.gov/icing/pub/journal/Smith.etal.JAMC.12.pdf Smith Jr., 2014, PhD Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, https://satcorps.larc.nasa.gov/icing/pub/WLS-Dissertation.pdf 7.0 Appendix None