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Earth Observing Laboratory
Field Data Archive

NSF NCAR EOL data archive

The NSF NCAR EOL data archive contains atmospheric, meteorological, and other geophysical datasets from operational sources and the scientific research programs and projects for which NSF NCAR EOL has provided data management support. The project list may be sorted by selecting the header keys and full project descriptions and dataset lists are available by selecting the project title. You may search for projects with the form below. You may also search for datasets by keyword or space and time.


547 projects (10 shown)

Name: Title / Summary Begin Date (UTC) End Date (UTC)
MPEX: Mesoscale Predictability Experiment
The Mesoscale Predictability Experiment (MPEX) will be conducted within the U.S. intermountain region and high plains during the late spring/early summer of 2013 and will include the use of the NCAR GV, along with the new Airborne Vertical Atmospheric...
2013-05-01 00:00:00 2013-06-30 23:59:59
SAANGRIA-TEST: SAANGRIA instrumentation Test project
SAANGRIA Test project is an instrumentation test experiment based from Jeffco in Broomfield, CO. The purpose of the experiment is to operate and test in flight the instruments that are scientifically critical to the 2014 DEEPWAVE experiment. The...
2013-02-13 00:00:00 2013-03-02 23:59:59
SCP: Shallow Cold Pool (SCP) Experiment
The Shallow Cold Pool (SCP) experiment was an ISFS deployment in a shallow gully within the Pawnee Grasslands. The primary goal of SCP was to examine the formation and maintenance of common shallow cold pools. These cold pools had not been previously...
2012-10-01 00:00:00 2012-11-30 23:59:59
MATERHORN-X: Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations
The Mountain Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations (MATERHORN) Program, funded by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), was designed to investigate complex-terrain meteorology over a wide range of scales, topographic features, and driving...
2012-08-25 00:00:00 2015-02-15 23:59:59
PacMARS: Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis
The Pacific Marine Arctic Regional Synthesis (PacMARS) effort will facilitate new synergies in understanding of the marine ecosystem in the greater Bering Strait region, including the northern Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas. The PacMARS research...
2012-06-15 00:00:00 2014-06-14 23:59:59
DC3: Deep Convective Clouds & Chemistry Project
The Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry Project (DC3) field campaign investigates the impact of deep, midlatitude continental convective clouds, including their dynamical, physical, and lightning processes, on upper tropospheric (UT) composition and...
2012-05-01 00:00:00 2012-06-30 23:59:59
TORERO: Tropical Ocean tRoposphere Exchange of Reactive halogen species and Oxygenated VOC
The scientific objective of the TORERO project is to study the release and transport of halogenated gases and oxidized VOCs in the Eastern Tropical Pacific during the season of the high biologic productivity. The project timeframe is coincident with a...
2012-01-15 00:00:00 2012-02-26 23:59:59
ASCII: AgI Seeding of Clouds Impact Investigation
AgI Seeding of Clouds Impact Investigation (ASCII) was one project in a series of multi-season field campaigns, all part of the Wyoming Weather Modification Pilot Program, aimed at studying randomized cloud seeding.  ASCII was conducted over the Sierra...
2012-01-04 00:00:00 2012-03-04 23:59:59
CiS_2: Careers in Science 2
Careers in Science (CiS) is a targeted education and outreach program planned for 2011 that exposes students from accredited postsecondary minority institutions to career opportunities within the areas of science and science support. Multi-day visits...
2011-11-08 00:00:00 2011-11-18 23:59:59
IDEAS-4: Instrument Development and Education in Airborne Science Phase 4
Instrument Development and Education in Airborne Science (IDEAS) phase 4 is a three year program to provide opportunities for flight testing of improved instrumentation for airborne research. The goal is to improve the capability of instrumentation for...
2011-10-17 00:00:00 2013-11-18 23:59:59

This material is based upon work supported by the NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research, a major facility sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation and managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. National Science Foundation.