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Earth Observing Laboratory
Field Data Archive

NSF NCAR EOL data archive

The NSF NCAR EOL data archive contains atmospheric, meteorological, and other geophysical datasets from operational sources and the scientific research programs and projects for which NSF NCAR EOL has provided data management support. The project list may be sorted by selecting the header keys and full project descriptions and dataset lists are available by selecting the project title. You may search for projects with the form below. You may also search for datasets by keyword or space and time.


547 projects (10 shown)

Name: Title / Summary Begin Date (UTC) End Date (UTC)
LEE: Lake Effect Electrification
The Lake-Effect Electrification (LEE) Project is focused over and east (the typical downwind/leeside) of Lake Ontario during the cool season. Project LEE aims to document, for the first time, the total lightning and electrical charge structures of lake...
2022-09-01 00:00:00 2023-03-01 23:59:59
HIWC_2022: High Ice Water Content 2022
Since the 1990’s, a significant number of engine power loss/damage events (>174) and air data probe anomalies occurred on transport airplanes while flying in or near deep convective clouds where high concentrations of ice crystals may have been...
2022-07-05 00:00:00 2022-08-01 23:59:59
ACCLIP: Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical and CLimate Impact Project
The Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) is the largest meteorological pattern in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) summer season. Persistent convection and the large anticyclonic flow pattern in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) associated with ASM...
2022-06-14 00:00:00 2022-09-15 23:59:59
PRECIP: Prediction of Rainfall Extremes Campaign In the Pacific
PRECIP was developed to increase our understanding of the causes and increase our prediction capability of extreme rainfall events. PRECIP addressed this need through an in-depth and comprehensive study of the fundamental causes of extreme rainfall...
2022-05-22 00:00:00 2022-08-10 23:59:59
ESCAPE: Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation, and Environment
Convective clouds play an important role in the Earth’s climate system as a driver of large-scale circulations and a primary mechanism for the transport of heat, moisture, aerosols, and momentum throughout the troposphere. Despite their climatic...
2022-05-10 00:00:00 2022-07-10 23:59:59
TI3GER: Technological Innovation Into Iodine and GV Environmental Research
Anthropogenic (pollution) ozone has increased oceanic emissions of iodine since pre industrial times, but the implications for ozone radiative forcing and new particle formation remain poorly understood. The 2018 WMO Ozone Assessment report recently...
2022-04-01 00:00:00 2022-04-30 23:59:59
PERiLS_2022: Propagation, Evolution and Rotation in Linear Storms 2022
PERiLS (Propagation, Evolution and Rotation in Linear Storms) builds upon the results of the VORTEX-SE campaigns adding critical instruments to provide the sampling necessary to address environmental factors and storm processes that lead to quasi...
2022-03-01 00:00:00 2022-04-30 23:59:59
CFACT: Cold Fog Amongst Complex Terrain
CFACT is a field campaign that investigates cold fog formation in mountain valleys.  The overarching goals of the CFACT project are to 1) investigate cold fog development and environment conditions in complex terrain with the latest observation...
2022-01-06 00:00:00 2022-02-23 23:59:59
CHACHA: CHemistry in the Arctic: Clouds, Halogens, and Aerosols
CHACHA aims to assess the extent to which Arctic change, particularly sea ice loss and increased fossil fuel extraction in the New Arctic, modifies multiphase halogen, nitrogen, and sulfur chemistry, in turn affecting aerosols, clouds, and the fate of...
2022-01-01 00:00:00 2022-05-01 23:59:59
WINTRE-MIX: Winter Precipitation Type Research Multi-scale Experiment
During near-freezing surface conditions, a diversity of surface precipitation types (p-types) are possible, including: rain, drizzle, freezing rain, freezing drizzle, wet snow, ice pellets, and snow. Such near-freezing precipitation affects wide swaths...
2021-12-01 00:00:00 2022-03-15 23:59:59

This material is based upon work supported by the NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research, a major facility sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation and managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. National Science Foundation.