2008 Comprehensive Subsistence Harvest Survey, Emmonak, Togiak, and Akutan, Alaska

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James A. Fall Phd. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence
Publication_Date: Unpublished material
2008 Comprehensive Subsistence Harvest Survey, Emmonak, Togiak, and Akutan, Alaska
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: document
Publication_Place: Juneau, Alaksa
Publisher: Alaska Department of Fish and Game
This report assesses the subsistence harvest of numerous natural resources between January and December of 2008 in the communities of Emmonak, Togiak and Akutan, Alaska. The residents of these communities harvest a wide variety of natural resources for subsistence use. Subsistence harvests include a wide variety of resources in these communities, icnluding marine mammals, salmon and non-salmon fish, migratory birds, bird eggs and a diverse assortment of plants and berries.
Document, characterize, and quantify local harvest practices and changes thereto in order to better understand the relationship between Bering Sea communities and the Bering Sea ecosystem. Information to be collected are: 1. Subsistence Harvest and Use Information a. Percentage of households using, attempting to harvest, harvesting, receiving, and giving away each wild resource b. Harvest quantities in numbers of animals, buckets, gallons, or other appropriate units c. Households’ assessments of uses and harvests in the study year compared to other recent years, and reasons for differences d. Harvest locations e. Individual involvement in subsistence activities, including the involvement of children 2. Demographic Information, including, for each household member, age, sex, ethnicity, birthplace, and length of residency in the community. 3. Employment and cash income, which may include such information as jobs held by household members, occupational type, employer type, earned cash income, and other income. 4. Household’s comments and concerns: open ended responses.
Beginning_Date: 200608
Ending_Date: 201006
Currentness_Reference: publication date
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: As needed
Emmonak, Yukon River delta, Alaska Togiak, Alaska Akutan, Alaska
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -164.523
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -164.523
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 62.778
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 62.778
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Subsistence, Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), Local Traditional Knowledge (LTK); harvest assessment; subsistence harvests, Emmonak, Togiak, and Akutan, Alaska
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Place_Keyword: Emmonak, Alaska
Place_Keyword: Togiak, Alaska
Place_Keyword: Akutan, Alaska
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Theme_Keyword: project_number:B69
Theme_Keyword: data_url:<http://data.eol.ucar.edu/codiac/dss/id=245.B69-003>
Theme_Keyword: archive_url:<http://www.eol.ucar.edu/projects/bsierp>
Taxonomic_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Taxonomic_Keywords: multiple species
Taxonomic_Keywords: animals
Taxonomic_Keywords: plants
Taxonomic_Keywords: vegetation
Taxon_Rank_Name: Order
Taxon_Rank_Value: animalia, plantae
Access_Constraints: None
Use_Constraints: None
Contact_Person: David S. Koster
Contact_Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Contact_Position: Research Analyst IV
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 333 Raspberry Rd
City: Anchorage
State_or_Province: Alaska
Postal_Code: 99518
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 907-267-2371
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 907-267-2450
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: david.koster@alaska.gov
Windows XP Professional SP3 Microsoft Excel 2003 ".xls" PASW Statistics 18.0 ".sav"
Analytical_Tool_Description: SPSS for Windows, Rel. 18.0.3, .2010, Chicago, SPSS Inc.
Online_Linkage: <http://www.spss.com>
Online_Linkage: <http://www.spss.com/statistics/custom_tables/>
SPSS Base 18.0, SPSS Base 18.0, and the SPSS Tables module may be purchased online at <http://www.spss.com>

Refer to methods section of 2008 Comprehensive Subsistence Harvest Survey, Emmonak, Togiak and Akutan, Alaska.
Refer to methods section in the 2008 Comprehensive Subsistence Harvest Survey, Savoonga, Alaska. After data are transferred to SPSS, Frequency tables are created for key variables and checked for discrepencies or inconsistencies.
Completeness_Report: The dataset is complete as of July 6, 2010.
Methodology_Type: Field
Methodology_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Methodology_Keyword: house to house survey
Refer to methods section of the 2008 Comprehensive Subsistence Harvest Survey, Emmonak, Togiak, and Akutan, Alaska. Harvest and other data were collected using a 27 page survey instrument. Research assistants traveled from house to house to request household participation.
Data sets are created in Microsoft® Excel, using the long-narrow data format. One worksheet is created for each category or resource in the survey, 21 worksheets in all. Each individual worksheet was then transferred to PASW® Statistics 18.0 for Windows®, formerly known as SPSS, for data analysis. The PASW® Custom Tables 18.0 module was used to create harvest and other summary tables. The tables were then exported to Microsoft Excel and reformatted.
Process_Date: Unknown
Contact_Person: David S. Koster
Contact_Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Contact_Position: Research Analyst IV
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 333 Raspberry Rd
City: Anchorage
State_or_Province: AK
Postal_Code: 99518
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 907-267-2371
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 907-267-2450
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: david.koster@alaska.gov

Indirect_Spatial_Reference: Akutan, AK

entity: 00 - Household Information Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data intDate, Date of interview, Nominal, Date of interview intvwr, Interviewer (two initials), Nominal, Interviewer (two initials) coder, Person who coded the interview (two initials), Nominal, Person who coded the interview (two initials) personID, Person providing information, or responder, Nominal, Person providing information, or responder strtime, Start time of interview, Scale, Start time of interview endtime, End time of interview, Scale, End time of interview subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 01 - Permanent Household Members Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type answerQuestions, Is this person answering questions on this survey, Nominal, Is this person answering questions on this survey procRes, Did this person process wild resources?, Nominal, Did this person process wild resources? person, Person code, Nominal, Person code sex, Code for sex, Nominal, Code for sex ethnic, Ethinicity (code), Nominal, Ethinicity (code) birthyear, Year of birth yyyy, Nominal, Year of birth yyyy relation, Relation to hh head (2-digit code), Nominal, Relation to hh head (2-digit code) residpar, Residence of parents when you were born?, Nominal, Residence of parents when you were born? yrcomcat, Number of years resided in the study comm. Computed from yearmove, Nominal, Number of years resided in the study comm. Computed from yearmove harvRes, This this person harvest wild resources?, Nominal, This this person harvest wild resources? recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 03 - Commercial Fishing Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data resource, Resource code, Nominal, Resource code commFishFor, Commercial Fish For this resource?, Nominal, Commercial Fish For this resource? usuallyCommFish, Does household usually participate in commercial fisheries for this resource category?, Nominal, Does household usually participate in commercial fisheries for this resource category? ParticipateCommFish, Did household participate in a commercial fishery for this resource category this year?, Nominal, Did household participate in a commercial fishery for this resource category this year? incidental, Did household harvest this resource incidentally, Nominal, Did household harvest this resource incidentally removeOwnUse, How many did household remove for own use?, Scale, How many did household remove for own use? unitsOwnUse, Units of measure for those removed for own use, Scale, Units of measure for those removed for own use amtGavetoCrew, How much was given to the crew, Scale, How much was given to the crew amtGaveOthers, How much was given to others, Scale, How much was given to others unitsGavetoCrew, Units of amount given to crew, Nominal, Units of amount given to crew unitsGavetoOthers, Units of amount given to others, Nominal, Units of amount given to others permHolder, Permit Holder (ID from person list in survey), Nominal, Permit Holder (ID from person list in survey) crewMemb, Crew Member(s) (IDs from person list in survey), Nominal, Crew Member(s) (IDs from person list in survey) subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 04 - Salmon Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type history, Were Less, Same or more of this resource available in 2008 as compared to previous years?, Nominal, Were Less, Same or more of this resource available in 2008 as compared to previous years? giveaway, Household gave away resource, Nominal, Household gave away resource received, Household received resource, Nominal, Household received resource useAttemptSalmon, Did this household use or try to catch salmon this year?, Nominal, Did this household use or try to catch salmon this year? rodrhrv, Amount harvested with rod and reel, Scale, Amount harvested with rod and reel othmhrv, Amount harvested with other methods, Scale, Amount harvested with other methods dogfood, Amount caught just for dogs, Scale, Amount caught just for dogs uslyfishSalmon, Does this household usually harvest salmon?, Nominal, Does this household usually harvest salmon? subnet, Amount harvested with gillnet, Scale, Amount harvested with gillnet attempt, HH tried to harvest resource in study year?, Nominal, HH tried to harvest resource in study year? units, Units of measure, Nominal, Units of measure resource, Resource code, Nominal, Resource code recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data used, HH used resource in study year?, Nominal, HH used resource in study year?
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 06 - Non-Salmon Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description used, HH used resource in study year?, Nominal, HH used resource in study year? recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data resource, Resource code, Nominal, Resource code units, Units of measure, Nominal, Units of measure attempt, HH tried to harvest resource in study year?, Nominal, HH tried to harvest resource in study year? subnet, Amount harvested with gillnet, Scale, Amount harvested with gillnet uslyFishNonSalm, Does household usually harvest non-salmon fish?, Nominal, Does household usually harvest non-salmon fish? dogfood, Amount harvested just for dogs, Scale, Amount harvested just for dogs othmhrv, Amount harvested with other methods, Scale, Amount harvested with other methods rodrhrv, Amount harvested with rod and reel, Scale, Amount harvested with rod and reel useAttemptNonSalm, Did household attempt to harvest or use non-salmon fish this year?, Nominal, Did household attempt to harvest or use non-salmon fish this year? history, Were Less, Same or More non-salmon available in 2008 compared to previous years?, Nominal, Were Less, Same or More non-salmon available in 2008 compared to previous years? displayGroup, Used to limit the group of items displayed in a sub-form, Nominal, Used to limit the group of items displayed in a sub-form subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 08 - Marine Invertebrates Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type displayGroup, Used to limit the group of items displayed in a sub-form, Nominal, Used to limit the group of items displayed in a sub-form history, Were Less, Same or More marine invertebrates available in 2008 compared to previous years?, Nominal, Were Less, Same or More marine invertebrates available in 2008 compared to previous years? received, Household received resource, Nominal, Household received resource giveaway, Household gave away resource, Nominal, Household gave away resource useAttemptMarInv, Did HH Use or attempt to harvest Marine Invertebrates this year?, Nominal, Did HH Use or attempt to harvest Marine Invertebrates this year? harvest, Total amount harvested, computed from gear type (except for invertebrates), Scale, Total amount harvested, computed from gear type (except for invertebrates) uslyHarvMarInv, Does HH usually harvest marine invertebrates?, Nominal, Does HH usually harvest marine invertebrates? attempt, HH tried to harvest resource in study year?, Nominal, HH tried to harvest resource in study year? units, Units of measure, Nominal, Units of measure resource, Resource code, Nominal, Resource code recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data used, HH used resource in study year?, Nominal, HH used resource in study year?
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 10 - Large Land Mammals Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description used, HH used resource in study year?, Nominal, HH used resource in study year? recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data resource, Resource code, Nominal, Resource code units, Units of measure, Nominal, Units of measure attempt, HH tried to harvest resource in study year?, Nominal, HH tried to harvest resource in study year? harvFeb, Amount harvested in February, Scale, Amount harvested in February harvJan, Amount harvested in January, Scale, Amount harvested in January harvMar, Amount harvested in March, Scale, Amount harvested in March harvApr, Amount harvested in April, Scale, Amount harvested in April harvMay, Amount harvested in May, Scale, Amount harvested in May uslyHarvLLM, Does HH usually harvest Large Land Mammals?, Nominal, Does HH usually harvest Large Land Mammals? harvDec, Amount harvested in December, Scale, Amount harvested in December useAttemptLLM, did household use or attempt to harvest Large Land Mammals?, Nominal, did household use or attempt to harvest Large Land Mammals? harvunkn, Amount harvested in unknown month/season, Scale, Amount harvested in unknown month/season harvOct, Amount harvested in October, Scale, Amount harvested in October harvNov, Amount harvested in November, Scale, Amount harvested in November harvJun, Amount harvested in June, Scale, Amount harvested in June harvJul, Amount harvested in July, Scale, Amount harvested in July harvAug, Amount harvested in August, Scale, Amount harvested in August harvSep, Amount harvested in September, Scale, Amount harvested in September giveaway, Household gave away resource, Nominal, Household gave away resource received, Household received resource, Nominal, Household received resource subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD history, Were Less, Same or More available in 2008?, Nominal, Were Less, Same or More available in 2008? displayGroup, Used to limit the group of items displayed in a sub-form, Nominal, Used to limit the group of items displayed in a sub-form sex, Sex of resource harvested, Nominal, Sex of resource harvested subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 12 - Marine Mammals Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type sex, Sex of resource harvested, Nominal, Sex of resource harvested history, Were Less, Same or more of this resource available in 2008?, Nominal, Were Less, Same or more of this resource available in 2008? subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD received, Household received resource, Nominal, Household received resource giveaway, Household gave away resource, Nominal, Household gave away resource harvSep, Amount harvested in September, Scale, Amount harvested in September harvAug, Amount harvested in August, Scale, Amount harvested in August harvJul, Amount harvested in July, Scale, Amount harvested in July harvJun, Amount harvested in June, Scale, Amount harvested in June harvNov, Amount harvested in November, Scale, Amount harvested in November harvOct, Amount harvested in October, Scale, Amount harvested in October harvunkn, Amount harvested in unknown month/season, Scale, Amount harvested in unknown month/season useAttemptMarMam, Did household use or attempt to harvest marine mammals this year?, Nominal, Did household use or attempt to harvest marine mammals this year? harvDec, Amount harvested in December, Scale, Amount harvested in December uslyHarvMarMam, Does HH usually harvest Marine Mammals?, Nominal, Does HH usually harvest Marine Mammals? harvMay, Amount harvested in May, Scale, Amount harvested in May harvApr, Amount harvested in April, Scale, Amount harvested in April harvMar, Amount harvested in March, Scale, Amount harvested in March harvJan, Amount harvested in January, Scale, Amount harvested in January harvFeb, Amount harvested in February, Scale, Amount harvested in February attempt, HH tried to harvest resource in study year?, Nominal, HH tried to harvest resource in study year? units, Units of measure, Nominal, Units of measure resource, Resource code, Nominal, Resource code recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data used, HH used resource in study year?, Nominal, HH used resource in study year?
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 14 - Furbearers Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description units, Units of measure, Nominal, Units of measure harvFeb, Amount harvested in February, Scale, Amount harvested in February used, HH used resource in study year?, Nominal, HH used resource in study year? attempt, HH tried to harvest resource in study year?, Nominal, HH tried to harvest resource in study year? recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data resource, Resource code, Nominal, Resource code harvJan, Amount harvested in January, Scale, Amount harvested in January harvMar, Amount harvested in March, Scale, Amount harvested in March harvApr, Amount harvested in April, Scale, Amount harvested in April harvMay, Amount harvested in May, Scale, Amount harvested in May useAttemptFurb, Did HH use or try to harvest marine mammals in 2008?, Nominal, Did HH use or try to harvest marine mammals in 2008? harvDec, Amount harvested in December, Scale, Amount harvested in December harvOct, Amount harvested in October, Scale, Amount harvested in October harvNov, Amount harvested in November, Scale, Amount harvested in November harvJun, Amount harvested in June, Scale, Amount harvested in June harvJul, Amount harvested in July, Scale, Amount harvested in July harvAug, Amount harvested in August, Scale, Amount harvested in August harvSep, Amount harvested in September, Scale, Amount harvested in September harvunkn, Amount harvested in unknown month/season, Scale, Amount harvested in unknown month/season received, Household received resource, Nominal, Household received resource giveaway, Household gave away resource, Nominal, Household gave away resource uslyHarvFurb, Does this HH usually harvest furbearers?, Nominal, Does this HH usually harvest furbearers? history, Generic Historical Avaliablity of resource, Nominal, Generic Historical Avaliablity of resource sex, Sex of resource harvested, Nominal, Sex of resource harvested displayGroup, Used to limit the group of items displayed in a sub-form, Nominal, Used to limit the group of items displayed in a sub-form subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 15 - Birds and Eggs Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type displayGroup, Used to limit the group of items displayed in a sub-form, Nominal, Used to limit the group of items displayed in a sub-form history, were less, same or more of this resource available in 2008, Nominal, were less, same or more of this resource available in 2008 harvspr, Amount harvest in spring, Scale, Amount harvest in spring giveaway, Household gave away resource, Nominal, Household gave away resource received, Household received resource, Nominal, Household received resource subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD harvsum, Amount harvested in summer, Scale, Amount harvested in summer harvfal, Amount harvested in fall, Scale, Amount harvested in fall harvwin, Amount harvested in winter, Scale, Amount harvested in winter harvunkn, Amount harvested in unknown month/season, Scale, Amount harvested in unknown month/season uslyHarvBirds, Does this household usually harvest birds, Nominal, Does this household usually harvest birds useAttemptBirds, Did this household use or attempt to harvest birds in 2008?, Nominal, Did this household use or attempt to harvest birds in 2008? units, Units of measure, Nominal, Units of measure attempt, HH tried to harvest resource in study year?, Nominal, HH tried to harvest resource in study year? used, HH used resource in study year?, Nominal, HH used resource in study year? recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data resource, Resource code, Nominal, Resource code
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 17 - Plants Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description resource, Resource code, Nominal, Resource code recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data used, HH used resource in study year?, Nominal, HH used resource in study year? attempt, HH tried to harvest resource in study year?, Nominal, HH tried to harvest resource in study year? units, Units of measure, Nominal, Units of measure harvest, Total amount harvested. May be computed form harvest periods, Scale, Total amount harvested. May be computed form harvest periods useAttemptPlants, Did this household use or attempt to harvest plants or berries in 2008?, Nominal, Did this household use or attempt to harvest plants or berries in 2008? uslyHarvPlants, Does this household usually harvest plants or berries?, Nominal, Does this household usually harvest plants or berries? subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD received, Household received resource, Nominal, Household received resource giveaway, Household gave away resource, Nominal, Household gave away resource history, Were less, same or more of this resource avaiable in 2008?, Nominal, Were less, same or more of this resource avaiable in 2008? displayGroup, Used to limit the group of items displayed in a sub-form, Nominal, Used to limit the group of items displayed in a sub-form harvestq, Did HH harvest this resource?, Nominal, Did HH harvest this resource? harvsprsum, Amount harvested in spring and summer (Apr-Oct in Kiana project # 190), Scale, Amount harvested in spring and summer (Apr-Oct in Kiana project # 190) subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 23 - Employment Information Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD jobLocation, Location of Job (community), Nominal, Location of Job (community) resource, Network code, same for every employed person (cash from employment), Nominal, Network code, same for every employed person (cash from employment) hhMembEmpl, Did any members of the household earn income from employment?, Nominal, Did any members of the household earn income from employment? jobnum, Job number, Nominal, Job number jtitle, Exact job title, Nominal, Exact job title employr, Employer name, Nominal, Employer name schedule, Work schedule, Nominal, Work schedule earnings, Adjusted gross income, Scale, Adjusted gross income JanWork, Did this person worked in this job in January?, Scale, Did this person worked in this job in January? FebWork, Did this person worked in this job in February?, Scale, Did this person worked in this job in February? MarWork, Did this person worked in this job in March?, Scale, Did this person worked in this job in March? AprWork, Did this person worked in this job in April?, Scale, Did this person worked in this job in April? MayWork, Did this person worked in this job in May?, Scale, Did this person worked in this job in May? JunWork, Did this person worked in this job in June?, Scale, Did this person worked in this job in June? JulWork, Did this person worked in this job in July?, Scale, Did this person worked in this job in July? AugWork, Did this person worked in this job in August?, Scale, Did this person worked in this job in August? SepWork, Did this person worked in this job in Septembert?, Scale, Did this person worked in this job in Septembert? OctWork, Did this person worked in this job in October?, Scale, Did this person worked in this job in October? NovWork, Did this person worked in this job in November?, Scale, Did this person worked in this job in November? DecWork, Did this person worked in this job in December?, Scale, Did this person worked in this job in December? person, Person ID number, Nominal, Person ID number recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 24 - Other Income Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data incsrce, Other income source, Nominal, Other income source amount, Annual amount received, Scale, Annual amount received hhOtherIncome, Did this household receive income from sources other than employemnt?, Nominal, Did this household receive income from sources other than employemnt? resource, Resource code for this income source (Usually cash), Nominal, Resource code for this income source (Usually cash) displayGroup, used to control the records displayed in a subform, Nominal, used to control the records displayed in a subform subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type hhDivIncome, Did this household receive dividend income., Scale, Did this household receive dividend income.
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 300 - Comments Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description summary, Interview summary, Nominal, Interview summary subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD comment, Comment, Nominal, Comment recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content
entity: 65 - Comparison to Prior Years Variable, Label, Type, Variable Content StudyYear, Study Year, Nominal, Study year CommName, Community, Nominal, Community name HHID, Household ID, Nominal, Household identification number projID, Project ID code, Nominal, Unique Project identification number recordTypeCD, Record Type Code, Nominal, Record Type Code filterq, Filter Question, Nominal, Yes no for whether HH participated in activities described by record type usuallyq, Usually harvest Use, Nominal, Yes/no for whether HH usually participates in activities described by record type subRecordCD, Sub Record code, Nominal, Sub record code subRecord, Sub record description, Nominal, Sub record description recordTypeCD, Defines the record type for a set of data, Nominal, Defines the record type for a set of data pattern, HH subsistence pattern in last year compared to prior years, Nominal, HH subsistence pattern in last year compared to prior years subRecord, Description of subRecordCD, Nominal, Description of subRecordCD subRecordCD, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type, Nominal, Code for a subdivision of a standard record type subReasonTxt, Text description of subsistence reasons 1 - 3, Nominal, Text description of subsistence reasons 1 - 3 resource, Resource or category asked about, Nominal, Resource or category asked about conditionChgYN, Were changes in resource category observed Yes/No, Nominal, Were changes in resource category observed Yes/No
Entity and Attributes are listed as Entity: Entity, then Attributes are listed as Variable, Variable Label, Variable Type, and Variable Content

Contact_Organization: National Center for Atmospheric Research
Contact_Person: Earth Observing Laboratory
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 3450 Mitchell Lane
City: Boulder
State_or_Province: CO
Postal_Code: 80301
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 303-497-8154
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: codiac@ucar.edu
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: stott@ucar.edu
No warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data, nor shall the act of distribution constitute such warranty. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with the data. The NCAR and NPRB shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.
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Fees: None

Metadata_Date: 20110202
Contact_Person: David S. Koster
Contact_Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Contact_Position: Research Analyst IV
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 333 Raspberry Rd.
City: Anchorage
State_or_Province: Alaska
Postal_Code: 99518
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 907-267-2371
Contact_Electronic_Mail_Address: david.koster@alaska.gov
FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001.1-1999

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