Half-Hour averaged "radiation" data for ABLE Whitewater site: Actually includes min. max and standard deviation for many met parameters and at the end of the record, data from varying additional sensors, depending on date. Refer to the header/trailer record in each file to see what additional sensors are present. The fields after "BattVlt" are what vary. Though there is a "NetRad" field, there never is a NetRad sensor in the AWS data stream at Whitewater. There is a NetRad sensor in the Whitewater EBBR data stream. See the field "QNetRad" in data files located at: http://www.atmos.anl.gov/ABLE/data_archive/ebr/sitea/ On May 19, 1999, the AWS data stream adds the following data fields: IRTempS SolarDN SolarUP AlbedoR SoilMPe SoilMoi On October 5, 1999, the IRTemp sensor/field is replaced by a "PAR" sensor/field. On August 19, 2000, three IRTemp sensors were added to the OSU precip logger data stream. See http://www.atmos.anl.gov/ABLE/data_archive/pcp/sitea/ for that data. tjmartin@anl.gov 9/5/2001