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Data on our large storage system will be unavailable due to systems maintenance 16-19 September 2024. Data orders will not be accepted for these datasets (no order links will be displayed).

Dataset List

    8734 datasets found (10 shown). Full dataset descriptions and data access links are available by selecting the dataset title.
    Max results:
    Dataset Projects Responsible parties Version/Date
    • PECAN
    final completed
    • PECAN
    final completed
    • PECAN
    final completed
    • PECAN
    final completed
    • PELTI
    final 1.0
    • ACCLIP
    final 1.0
    • PERiLS_2023
    final 1.0
    • Perdigao
    final completed
    • Perdigao
    final completed
    • Perdigao
    final completed