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Earth Observing Laboratory
Field Data Archive

NSF NCAR EOL data archive

The NSF NCAR EOL data archive contains atmospheric, meteorological, and other geophysical datasets from operational sources and the scientific research programs and projects for which NSF NCAR EOL has provided data management support. The project list may be sorted by selecting the header keys and full project descriptions and dataset lists are available by selecting the project title. You may search for projects with the form below. You may also search for datasets by keyword or space and time.


544 projects (44 shown)

Name: Title / Summary Begin Date (UTC) End Date (UTC)
VINN project collected PAM data from 28 PAM stations from 19790715 to 19790829.
1979-07-15 00:00:00 1979-08-29 23:59:59
SummerMONEX: Summer Monsoon Experiment
The Monsoon Experiment (MONEX) was the core of the Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP) Monsoon subprogram, which was a major international effort to achieve a better understanding of the planetary monsoon circulation, the major seasonal...
1979-06-04 00:00:00 1979-07-25 23:59:59
NBL: Nocturnal Boundary Layer
The Nocturnal Boundary Layer (NBL) project investigated the vertical structure of the nocturnal boundary layer under clear conditions. The main objectives of this project were to observe the turbulent flux structure with respect to the position of the...
1979-05-01 00:00:00 1979-05-09 23:59:59
SESAME: Severe Environmental Storms and Mesoscale Experiment
During the spring of 1979, NSF, NOAA, NASA, other Governmental Agencies, and 14 Universities participated in a joint field project called the Severe Environmental Storms and Mesoscale Experiment (SESAME) to learn more about the structure, meso-synoptic...
1979-04-01 00:00:00 1979-06-15 23:59:59
CYCLES-79: Cyclonic Extratropical Storms - 1979
The Cyclonic Extratropical Storms (CYCLES) project investigated the properties of extratropical cyclonic storms and their associated precipitation off the coast of Washington. This project provided the basis for important new knowledge conceding the...
1979-03-03 00:00:00 1979-03-28 23:59:59
JetStream-79: Project Jet Stream - 1979
Project Jet Stream investigated the structure of the jet stream, associated fronts and stratospheric tropospheric exchanges. It is also focused on observing the geostrophic character of the wind field at and in the vicinity of the jet stream.
1979-03-01 00:00:00 1979-03-12 23:59:59
MAF: Mountain Airflow
The main objective of project Mountain Airflow (MAF) was to observe the spatial distribution of airflow, temperature and turbulence in and adjacent to the planetary boundary layer in the undisturbed flow upwind as well as the disturbed flow downwind of...
1979-02-15 00:00:00 1979-02-28 23:59:59
SSN: Sea Salt Nuclei
Professor Podzimek lead the Sea Salt Nuclei (SSN) project in order to study sea salt nuclei during the winter and summer seasons near and over Padre Island just off the coast of Texas. This study concentrated on the evolution and transformation of the...
1979-01-12 00:00:00 1979-01-19 23:59:59
SAVE-78: Stratospheric Aerosol Validation Experiment - 1978
The Stratospheric Aerosol Validation Experiment (SAVE) took place in two short periods: November 1978 and July 1979. These periods were planned to coincide with field measurement programs to obtain “ground truth” observations for validation of the...
1978-11-17 00:00:00 1978-11-25 23:59:59
WinterMONEX: Winter Monsoon Experiment
The Monsoon Experiment (MONEX) was the core of the Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP) Monsoon subprogram, which was a major international effort to achieve a better understanding of the planetary monsoon circulation, the major seasonal...
1978-11-17 00:00:00 1978-12-31 23:59:59
CPSUP: Cloud Physics of Snow and Urban Plumes
The Cloud Physics of Snow and Urban Plumes (CPSUP) project concentrated on the physics and dynamics of winter snowstorms in the Midwest. Dr. Roscoe R. Braham focused on the Lake Michigan area where a number of significant meteorological problems could...
1978-11-03 00:00:00 1978-12-19 23:59:59
PHOENIX-78: Project PHOENIX - 1978
The main objective of project PHOENIX, named after the convective boundary layer, like the bird of mythology, which rises anew each day out of the "ashes" of the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) from the previous day, was to describe the structure and...
1978-09-01 00:00:00 1978-09-28 23:59:59
MET: Mass and Energy Transport
The Mass and Energy Transport (M. E. T) project focused on atmospheric observations over the Pacific Ocean, west of the Mount Sutro Tower in San Francisco. It also studied the process of quantifying the transport of mass and energy through...
1978-08-03 00:00:00 1978-08-16 23:59:59
JASIN: Joint Air Sea INteraction experiment
For the Joint Air Sea Interaction (JASIN) project, the L-188 Electra was utilized to obtain horizontal distributions of fluxes of momentum, heat and water vapor over the JASIN array. This experiment was conducted in coordination with the UK C-130...
1978-07-20 00:00:00 1978-09-01 23:59:59
CONS: Convective Storms
The Convection Storms (CONS) project utilized the QueenAir, B-80 and A-80 aircrafts to measure the precipitation growth generated in convective clouds. It resolved some of the existing uncertainties pertaining to precipitation growth taking place...
1978-07-01 00:00:00 1978-07-31 23:59:59
MIC-78: Mountain-Induced Convection - 1978
The Mountain-Induced Convection (MIC) project focused on making measurements of the flow patterns, thermodynamics, and transport properties of moist convective systems induced by the Magdalene Mountains in New Mexico.
1978-05-22 00:00:00 1978-06-08 23:59:59
NIMROD: Northern Illinois Meteorological Research On Downburst Project
The Northern Illinois Meteorological Research On Downburst Project (NIMROD) project data were collected in Minnesota, U.S. during the spring of 1978.  Data were collected between 19 May 1978 and 29 June 1978.
1978-05-19 00:00:00 1978-06-29 23:59:59
GLALE: Great Lakes Aerosol Loading Experiment
The Great Lakes Aerosol Loading Experiment (GLALE) was led by Dr. Herman Sievering, who investigated the loading of Lake Michigan, deriving from airborne particulate deposition. He measured the state and airflow parameters and aerosol concentration...
1978-05-16 00:00:00 1978-05-26 23:59:59
GAMETAG-78: Global Atmospheric Measurements Experiment on Tropospheric Aerosols and Gases - 1978
Because of the unique roll played by the hydroxide (OH) free radical in controlling tropospheric chemistry, the Global Atmospheric Measurements Experiment on Tropospheric Aerosols and Gases (GAMETAG) project collected measurements of tropospheric OH....
1978-04-27 00:00:00 1978-06-01 23:59:59
BAO: Boulder Atmospheric Observatory Tower Study
The Boulder Atmospheric Observatory Tower Study (BAO) evaluated the effects of horizontal inhomogeneities in the earth’s surface on the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory tower measurements. Spatially averaged airplane measurements were compared to time...
1978-04-17 00:00:00 1978-04-28 23:59:59
EAE: Extended Area Effects
The Extended Area Effects (EAE) project aimed at observing the dynamical and microphysical structure of the upwind target cloud, the downwind region and the downwind target cloud as well as long range plume tracing. It also emphasized the long-range...
1978-01-26 00:00:00 1978-02-28 23:59:59
SNOP: Snow Physics
For the Snow Physics (SNOP) project, radar and aircraft data were presented in the form of case studies for three shoreline-parallel snow bands that occurred over lake Michigan. In all three cases a winter land breeze from one or both shores was shown...
1977-11-02 00:00:00 1977-12-16 23:59:59
GAMETAG-77: Global Atmospheric Measurements Experiment on Tropospheric Aerosols and Gases - 1977
Because of the unique roll played by the hydroxide (OH) free radical in controlling tropospheric chemistry, the Global Atmospheric Measurements Experiment on Tropospheric Aerosols and Gases (GAMETAG) project collected measurements of tropospheric OH....
1977-08-07 00:00:00 1977-09-06 23:59:59
SPACE-77: South Park Area Cumulus Experiment 1977
The 1977 South Park Area Cumulus Experiment (SPACE-77) was a comprehensive summertime meteorological field program conducted in the Colorado mountains (July and August 1977) by Colorado State University (CSU) and NCAR. The location of the project was...
1977-07-01 00:00:00 1977-08-31 23:59:59
MONEX-77: Monsoon Experiment
The Monsoon Experiment (MONEX) was the core of the Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP) Monsoon subprogram, which was a major international effort to achieve a better understanding of the planetary monsoon circulation, the major seasonal...
1977-06-07 00:00:00 1977-07-04 23:59:59
OKMESO: Soil Moisture and Surface Meteorological data
The Oklahoma Mesonet is a permanent mesoscale observing network. The Mesonet consists of 115 stations, including at least one station in each of Oklahoma's 77 counties. The average station spacing is 32 km. Mesonet sites are predominantly located in...
1977-01-01 00:00:00 2007-12-31 23:59:59
GAMETAG-76: Global Atmospheric Measurements Experiment on Tropospheric Aerosols and Gases - 1976
Because of the unique roll played by the hydroxide (OH) free radical in controlling tropospheric chemistry, the Global Atmospheric Measurements Experiment on Tropospheric Aerosols and Gases (GAMETAG) project collected measurements of tropospheric OH....
1976-07-23 00:00:00 1976-07-23 23:59:59
PPP: Power Plant Plume
The objectives of the Power Plant Plume (PPP) project were: first, to demonstrate the importance or lack of importance of hydroxide (OH) oxidized Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) in power plant plumes via the direct in-situ measurement of the OH free radical, and...
1976-07-16 00:00:00 1976-07-16 23:59:59
During March through May of 1976, the Coastal Upwelling Ecosystem Analysis (CUEA) program of the International Decade for Ocean Exploration (IDOE) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Peruvian Government conducted an international multi...
1976-03-01 00:00:00 1977-05-31 23:59:59
AIDJEX-II: Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment - II
The Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint EXperiment (AIDJEX) was designed to obtain the fundamental data needed to construct boundary layer and ice dynamics models for the Arctic Ocean. An in-depth comprehension of the dynamics of this region is important for...
1976-02-07 00:00:00 1976-02-17 23:59:59
GRAVE-I: GRAVE - I Volcano
A Lockheed L-188 Electra was made available to interested scientists for a few days prior to and following the Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment (AIDJEX) in Point Barrow, Alaska, which was specially equipped for cloud physics and atmospheric...
1976-02-01 00:00:00 1976-02-21 23:59:59
BLD: Boundary Layer Development
The Boundary Layer Development (BLD) project, also known as "Haswell", flew the L-188 Electra aircraft past an instrumented tall tower operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Southeastern Colorado near the small city...
1975-09-15 00:00:00 1975-09-23 23:59:59
AIDJEX-I: Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment - I
The Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint EXperiment (AIDJEX) was designed to obtain the fundamental data needed to construct boundary layer and ice dynamics models for the Arctic Ocean. An in-depth comprehension of the dynamics of this region is important for...
1975-07-19 00:00:00 1975-07-27 23:59:59
FACE: Florida Area Cumulus Experiment
The 1975 Florida Area Cumulus Experiment (FACE-75) began on 16 June and ended on 15 September, 1975, spanning 92 days with randomized cumuli seeding and other studies over a substantial target area (1.3 × 104 km2) in south Florida.
1975-06-16 00:00:00 1975-09-15 23:59:59
Project DUSTORM investigated the influences of both large-scale cyclogenesis and microphysical processes caused by atmospheric aerosols on the production of severe convective storms. The L-188 Electra aircraft was utilized in collecting data for this...
1975-04-18 00:00:00 1975-04-27 23:59:59
OAFSS: Ocean/Atmosphere Flux Scale Study
For the Ocean/Atmosphere Flux Scale Study (OAFSS), the space scale of Ocean/Atmosphere fluxes of sensible and latent heat, as well as momentum, was measured directly via ‘correlation techniques’ with the L-188 Electra aircraft. This scale information...
1975-03-07 00:00:00 1975-03-13 23:59:59
GATE: GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
The Global Atmospheric Research Program's (GARP) Atlantic Tropical Experiment took place in the summer of 1974. Because of its enormous size (72 nations were involved) and scope, the GATE experiment was divided into a Central Program, which ensured...
1974-06-15 00:00:00 1974-09-23 23:59:00
AMTEX: Air Mass Transformation Experiment
The Air Mass Transformation Experiment (AMTEX) was organized and implemented by the Japanese as a Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP) Subprogram on air-surface interaction at a time and location of large transfer of energy from the sea to the...
1974-02-17 00:00:00 1975-02-28 23:59:59
VIMHEX-II: Venezuela International Meteorological and Hydrological Experiment II
The second Venezuela International Meteorological and Hydrological Experiment (VIMHEX-II) was conducted from May to early September, 1972. Headquarters were located at Carrizal (9 deg 22.8’ N and 65 deg 55.0’ W), and at Maracay (10 deg 15.0’ N and 67...
1972-05-22 00:00:00 1972-09-06 23:59:59
NHRE: National Hail Research Experiment
The National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE) was conducted in the tri-state area of Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming, with the field headquarters located at Grover, Colorado. This area, during the three years prior to the start of NHRE, had been the...
1972-03-01 00:00:00 1976-12-31 23:59:59
ARCSS: NSF Arctic System Science
The National Science Foundation's (NSF) Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Program is a multidisciplinary approach to understanding polar processes for climate and global change. ARCSS is the only element of the U.S. Global Change Research Program...
1971-01-01 00:00:00 2011-09-30 23:59:00
BOMEX: Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological EXperiment
The Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological EXperiment (BOMEX) was conducted from 1 May to 28 July 1969 as a joint project of seven US departments and agencies with the cooperation of Barbados. Its primary objective was to measure the rate of...
1969-05-01 00:00:00 1969-07-28 23:59:00
LIE: Line Islands Experiment
During March and April 1967, field parties from NCAR and other meteorological research organizations, universities, and governmental agencies established research bases in the Line Islands, a group of small atolls more than 1000 miles south of Hawaii....
1967-03-01 00:00:00 1967-04-30 23:59:59
Operational: Operational Datasets
The collection of datasets that are run on an ongoing or operational basis.
1750-01-01 00:00:00 9999-12-31 23:59:59

This material is based upon work supported by the NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research, a major facility sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation and managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. National Science Foundation.