README.mrgnc.txt RADAR, ETL Vertical Pointing; Final, 12-hr merged radar data (netCDF)(Uttal) File naming convention: (can also be 12:00-24:00 for 12 hour period) NOTE: If .gz is present at end of files, they will have to be uncompressed using gunzip. Description of file information: 12 hour, corrected and merged radar files containing radar reflectivity, mean doppler velocity, spectral width, signal-to-noise ratio, quality control flags, and mode id. These are final versions. Contains the following data fields: base_time: File start time in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 00:00 time_offset: Time axis in seconds from base_time. Heights: Height axis in m, AGL. Qc: Quality control flags. 0 = No data, 1 = Good data, 2 = Second trip echo problems, 3 = Coherent integration problems 4 = Second trip echo and coherent integration problems. Reflectivity: Radar reflectivity in dBz X 100. (Must divide by 100 to get dBz). MeanDopplerVelocity: Mean doppler fall velocity in m/s X 1000. (Must divide by 1000 to get m/s). SpectralWidth: Spectral width in m/s X 1000. (Must divide by 1000 to get m/s). ModeId: Radar mode used for merged time-height moments data. The four modes and their merging are briefly described in the NOAA/ETL MMCR summary. SignaltoNoiseRatio: Signal to noise ratio in dB X 100. (Must divide by 100 to get dB). NOTE: All of the above information is contained in each netCDF file header.