HLY-09-02 Microzooplankton Grazing
During the 2009 US Coast Guard Cutter Healy Long Spring cruise, HLY0902, microzooplankton grazing experiments were completed at 16 process stations using the dilution assay approach in on-deck incubations at ambient water temperatures. Sampling during the first part of the cruise was under heavy ice conditions with low algal biomass in the water column; during the second half of the cruise significant diatom blooms were encountered. At two stations with high chlorophyll-a, data are reported for separate assays on the same water sample in which nutrients were or were not added at the beginning of the experiments. The data set presents phytoplankton intrinsic growth rates (day^-1) in the absence of grazing and microzooplankton grazing impact on phytoplankton (day^-1). Date station locations, depth of water taken for each experiment, and initial chlorophyll-a concentrations are also provided.
Data were collected during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (BEST-BSIERP). BEST-BSIERP together are the Bering Sea project.
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Spatial Type | point |
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Language | English |
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Temporal coverage
Begin datetime | 2009-04-08 00:00:00 |
End datetime | 2009-05-06 23:59:59 |
Spatial coverage
Map data from IBCSO, IBCAO, and Global Topography.
Maximum (North) Latitude:
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Primary point of contact information
Evelyn B. Sherr <sherre@coas.oregonstate.edu>
Additional contact information
- author: Evelyn B. Sherr <sherre@coas.oregonstate.edu>
- author: Barry F. Sherr <sherrb@coas.oregonstate.edu>
- originator: Evelyn B. Sherr <sherre@coas.oregonstate.edu>
- principalInvestigator: Evelyn B. Sherr <sherre@coas.oregonstate.edu>
- principalInvestigator: Barry F. Sherr <sherrb@coas.oregonstate.edu>
Sherr, E., Sherr, B. 2010. HLY-09-02 Microzooplankton Grazing. Version 1.0. UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. https://doi.org/10.5065/D60C4STH. Accessed 21 Jan 2025.
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