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Earth Observing Laboratory
Field Data Archive

Into the Arctic -- Information and Educational Activities for Studying Climate



'Into the Arctic' contains educational materials about climate and climate history in the Arctic that use real data and questions from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project Two (GISP2). It is in the form of a single zip file which can be expanded and the files burned to a CD.

Beginning in 1993, scientists from all over the world participated in the GISP2 project to drill through 3,000 meters of ice in Greenland, and discovered a history of the world's climate. Inspired by the research results from GISP2, 'Into the Arctic' offers instructional materials and activities for teachers to use in the many contexts of their daily teaching routines. Its unique feature is that it provides data collected and used by research scientists, and it provides students with the questions scientists grapple with in their research. There are no right or wrong answers. Students are presented with the data, and they are free to suggest answers to the questions posed. Lessons and activities are designed for use by secondary through lower-level college students studying Earth science, geography, history, social studies or chemistry.

Information and activities are divided into four sections: Climate, Climate Change, El Nino, and the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2. The subjects selected range from the broad (Climate and Climate Change) to the more specific (El Nino and the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2) to provide the reader with background in Earth science that can then be applied using broadly related case studies.

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  • 1.0 (2009-03-31)
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Spatial Type multiple
Frequency no set schedule
Language English
Grant Code OPP-9321416
ISO Topic Categories
  • climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
GCMD Science Keywords Expand keywords
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Temporal coverage

Begin datetime 1993-01-01 00:00:00
End datetime 1999-12-31 23:59:59

Spatial coverage

Map data from IBCSO, IBCAO, and Global Topography.

Maximum (North) Latitude: 88.00, Minimum (South) Latitude: 60.00
Minimum (West) Longitude: -75.00, Maximum (East) Longitude: -15.00

Primary point of contact information

EOL Data Support <>

Additional contact information


NSIDC. 2009. Into the Arctic -- Information and Educational Activities for Studying Climate. Version 1.0. UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. Accessed 12 Mar 2025.

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This material is based upon work supported by the NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research, a major facility sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation and managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. National Science Foundation.