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2004 Winter Survey Profiles of Temperature, Salinity, Density and Nutrients [Christensen, J.]



As part of the Shelf-Basin Interactions (SBI) project, early spring sampling was performed in the eastern area of the Shelf-Basin Interactions Project using aircraft. Flights began on 1 April 2004 and finished on 16 April 2004. During this time, we sampled 32 sites on a series of 5 transect lines (Fig. 1). Stations were about 10 km apart along each transect line. Transect lines B, C, and D were at the same spacing; while, lines A and E were 20 km from the nearest transect line. Typically, 4 stations were sampled on each flying day. At each site, a Seabird SBE-19 Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) and a water sampling bottle was deployed through an 25 cm hole augered through the pack-ice. Continuous profiles of pressure, temperature, and salinity were made from the ice hole to either the sediment surface or to about 500 m. CTD data were processed with Seabird software (Seasoft) and the data binned into 0.5 dbar layers. Data herein are the vertical profiles of temperature, salinity, and density. About 30 ml of seawater collected from the Niskin bottle were poured into a 50 ml clean dry polyethylene sample bottle. The nutrient sample bottles quickly froze and were kept that way until measurement of nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate and silicate by the Nutrient Chemistry Laboratory of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.

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  • 1.0 (2009-08-27)
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Spatial Type point
Frequency no set schedule
Language English
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  • oceans
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Temporal coverage

Begin datetime 2004-04-01 00:00:00
End datetime 2004-04-15 23:59:59

Spatial coverage

Map data from IBCSO, IBCAO, and Global Topography.

Maximum (North) Latitude: 73.00, Minimum (South) Latitude: 70.00
Minimum (West) Longitude: -158.00, Maximum (East) Longitude: -148.00

Primary point of contact information

John P. Christensen <>

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Christensen, J., Christensen, J. 2009. 2004 Winter Survey Profiles of Temperature, Salinity, Density and Nutrients. Version 1.0. UCAR/NCAR - Earth Observing Laboratory. Accessed 14 Oct 2024.

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