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Earth Observing Laboratory
Field Data Archive

NSF NCAR EOL data archive

The NSF NCAR EOL data archive contains atmospheric, meteorological, and other geophysical datasets from operational sources and the scientific research programs and projects for which NSF NCAR EOL has provided data management support. The project list may be sorted by selecting the header keys and full project descriptions and dataset lists are available by selecting the project title. You may search for projects with the form below. You may also search for datasets by keyword or space and time.


547 projects (10 shown)

Name: Title / Summary Begin Date (UTC) End Date (UTC)
DYNAMO: Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
There is considerable evidence for the importance of the MJO in weather and climate (e.g., hurricane activity, U.S. West Coast flooding events, and ENSO), and in their seamless prediction. But our ability of simulating and predicting the MJO is...
2011-10-01 00:00:00 2012-03-31 23:59:59
ICEBRIDGE: Antarctic 2011 Operation IceBridge
IceBridge, a six-year NASA mission, is the largest airborne survey of Earth's polar ice ever flown. It will yield an unprecedented three-dimensional view of Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets, ice shelves and sea ice. These flights will provide a yearly,...
2011-09-28 00:00:00 2011-11-03 23:59:59
HS3: Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel
The Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) project is a multi-year investigation aimed at examining hurricane formation and intensity change. In 2011 there were two research flights of the unmanned NOAA/NASA Global Hawk (GH) aircraft on 9 and 14...
2011-09-11 00:00:00 2014-09-30 23:59:59
HIPPO5: HIAPER Pole to Pole Observations 5 (HIPPO-5)
The "Collaborative Research: HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) of Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gases Study" measured cross sections of atmospheric concentrations approximately pole-to-pole, from the surface to the tropopause, five times during...
2011-08-15 01:01:00 2011-09-15 23:59:00
ACADIS: Advanced Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service
ACADIS is the continuation and expansion of CADIS, or Advanced CADIS. The Advanced Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service (ACADIS) is a joint effort between the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), the National Center for Atmospheric...
2011-07-15 00:00:00 2015-12-31 23:59:00
ICE-T: Ice in Clouds Experiment - Tropical
The objective of the Ice in Clouds - Tropical (ICE-T) experiment is to show that under given conditions, direct ice nucleation measurement(s), or other specific measurable characteristics of the aerosol, can be used to predict the number of ice...
2011-07-01 00:00:00 2011-07-31 23:59:00
CWEX: Crop/Wind-energy EXperiment
In CWEX-11, flux towers were deployed close to an east-west line of six turbines, labeled B1-B6 from west to east (see Fig. 1). The upwind reference tower (NCAR 1) was placed 2.0 D south of turbine B2, where D is the turbine fan diameter (74 m for this...
2011-06-22 00:00:00 2011-08-16 23:59:59
HIPPO4: HIAPER Pole to Pole Observations 4 (HIPPO-4)
The "Collaborative Research: HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) of Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gases Study" measured cross sections of atmospheric concentrations approximately pole-to-pole, from the surface to the tropopause, five times during...
2011-06-01 01:01:00 2011-07-15 23:59:00
MC3E: The Midlatitude Continental Convective Cloud Experiment
The Midlatitude Continental Convective Cloud Experiment (MC3E) was a collaborative effort between the NASA Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission Ground Validation (GV) program and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Atmospheric Radiation...
2011-04-22 00:00:00 2011-06-06 23:59:59
WISPAR: Winter Storms and Pacific Atmospheric Rivers
The Winter Storms and Pacific Atmospheric Rivers (WISPAR) field campaign took place over the Pacific Ocean from February 11 to March 10, 2011. The primary scientific objective of WISPAR is to evaluate the capabilities of the unmanned NOAA/NASA Global...
2011-02-11 00:00:00 2011-03-10 23:59:59

This material is based upon work supported by the NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research, a major facility sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation and managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. National Science Foundation.